View Full Version : Cyst Like Lump on Tonsil - with Health Anxiety

12-02-14, 20:41
Hi Everyone

I'm new on here I've been seeing a CBT therapist since November and we have discovered I have Health Anxiety. Since then I have had various health issues which I have been trying to battle with, the latest being a cyst like lump which appeared on my tonsil two weeks ago. I waited a week for it to go (very proud of myself, part of my training under CBT). It didn't so I went to see the GP who seemed a little concerned but said try antibiotics for a week and if it was still there to come back.

I waited 6 days but still its there and if anything a little bigger, trouble is this time I got a locum GP who was not in the slightest bit bothered. I know I should take it as a good thing but I can;t help but mistrust Drs sometimes. I have no reason for this irrational mistrust.

I'm contemplating going back tomorrow (2 days later) for a second opinion as I can't bear to wait the two more weeks until the appointment with my original GP.

I know this is just my Health Anxiety doing its thing, but I feel really stressed by this and its making me feel more ill. :(

12-02-14, 21:08
Hi Kmelz,

It sounds like you're taking the dragon by the horns and getting help. That's a big plus and obviously it's working as you've done rather well. There's a lot of rationality in your post too.

Here's the thing. If it is something sinister, two weeks aren't going to make a difference. Use those tools in your CBT box, keep the Dragon at bay for another two weeks and see what your GP says. Antibiotics take some time to work so give them a chance ;)

Positive thoughts

13-02-14, 15:53
Thank you for the reply, yes the dragon came a knocking! I have CBT today so will talk it out x thanks

13-02-14, 16:05
Hi I have a lump at the top of my mouth on my gum omg I thought its cancer it took me weeks to build up the courage to see my gp ,he said it was a cyst :D I was so relieved believe your gp try not to worry xx

18-02-14, 13:45
It was a cyst :) that miraculously drained itself on Saturday ! Wow I am the opposite to you, I can never leave it a long time to see the GP I am there like a shot because I can't leave it!!

18-02-14, 18:09
It was a cyst :) that miraculously drained itself on Saturday ! Wow I am the opposite to you, I can never leave it a long time to see the GP I am there like a shot because I can't leave it!!

Thats good news :D