View Full Version : Symptoms of Anxi?ety present but only in right side of body

12-02-14, 20:53
Hi everyone,

I'm new on here. A year ago i started experiencing symptoms which I now believe to be related to Health Anxierty recently diagnosed through CBT. I had a viral eye infection that left me quite unwell for a few weeks.

After that I believe the anxiety damaged my nervous system somehow and I had a series of symtpoms such a tingling, prickling sensations, weakness in arms and legs, migrainous visual aura, pain in my chest, shoulders and wrists, all joints in fact. However, all this happened ONLY IN MY RIGHT HAND SIDE OF MY BODY.

You could literally draw a line down the centre of me. Of course they MRI's me at first both the brain and spine....guess what no abnormalities.

i'm starting to thinks its related to HA. Most recently I have the feeling of al ump in my throat, feel like I'm swallowing air alot. It really bothers me, and now acid reflux and acid in my stomach.

Since the CBT I started in Nov i have reduced the tingling prickling and weakness sensations greatly, even the chest pain has gone. I just can't kick the swallowing thing its driving me nuts x

Any advice?

14-02-14, 19:48
In terms of the episodes you mention affecting one side of the body, whilst I'm not a doctor I'd strongly suspect this was the migraines, which were probably induced by anxiety. The other possibly causes would be very unlikely, and pretty much impossible given your negative MRI.

The lump in the throat thing is very common indeed, as is the reflux. You'll be fine! (Y)

14-02-14, 20:12
yep is 100% anxiety symptoms, HA is probably likely if your continuously worried about your health, Don't worry though, every symptom you experience is harmless and will start to go when you are feeling better

18-02-14, 13:43
Thank you for your replies, its so nice to hear from people who underastand. It is amazing really how over a year of seeing Drs not one has investigated anxiety symptoms with me. I have discovered it myself through seeking indepent help through my work and the OH service here who referred me for CBT.

I have finally kicked the lump feeling again (phew) by purposefully trying to feel more relaxed when I swallow. I even felt like the fatty tissues in might right side were hardening but I now feel like it was probably lactic acid as a result of constantly tensing my right next, chest and arm muscles.

I'm due to see a Neurologist tomorrow after I first got referred in August! I feel like I will be wasting hsi time somewhat but worth speaking to him none the lessx

19-02-14, 18:53
saw the neuro, he is not in the slightest bit worried about my neuro reflexes and history. I'm kinda glad, no more test etc for a while now. Time to concentrate on making me better in the mind. I never realised stress can have such an affect on your body but I guess the most emotional and difficult 2 years have made me my most ill. Bring on the summer, smiles, fun and 'letting go' the worries that have literally plagued me!