View Full Version : New worry...

12-02-14, 23:00
Hi all.
Ive developed a new worry very quickly. I read a post a friend shared on my facebook about ovarian cancer... You know the rest.
Now I'm thinking, well, I always feel bloated, which I genuinely do. But I think I've had that a while but not really paid a lot of attention to it.
I just had those blood tests done, would they flag anything up?
I'm so annoyed I read that. The bloating I have is just something I've always been used to, a feeling of tightness in my tummy. But now I'm questioning how long has it ACTUALLY been that way. Alarm bells going off big time.
Help anyone :( FACEBOOK MAN! Can't even check my newsfeed with a HA bomb!

12-02-14, 23:05
I know exactly what u mean I keep thinking I've got ovarian C , keep having stomach ache, bit of bloating, constipation, just hate health anxiety : (

12-02-14, 23:13
Yeah. It's horrendous. I was at the doctors about my heart less than 2 weeks ago. And breast cancer before that. Now it's ovarian. Does anyone else get bloating problems? I don't really get pains other than the occasional tummy cramps, nothing that alarms me anyway. It's the bloating thing. I almost feel like I have to 'relax' my tummy into place. That sounds odd but that's how it feels.

12-02-14, 23:28
I feel bloated quite often, certainly more often than I would wish to. It has nothing to do with what I eat or with my menstrual cycle. I've been like this since I remember, though, had an ultrasound scan of my ovaries last summer and everything was fine.

remember that bloating may be well caused by anxiety. I certainly feel like this when a wave of anxious thougts comes!

take care & be positive x

13-02-14, 12:01
Did you ask for a scan Alex? Or did they give you one based on your bloating symptoms?
Getting myself worked up about it now. I always feel bloated! I'm 70% sure I've always had stomach discomfort though. But I'm starting to doubt it now x

13-02-14, 13:21
I had a routine gynecologist appointment and she said everything was fine, but because I was 18 at the time she said it would be good to have this scan to compare it with the ones I'll have in the future if I eg decide to get pregnant etc.