View Full Version : Traveling! Yikes!

13-02-14, 00:07
Hi! Just signed up today. I have suffered with Panic D since 1990. Most days I'm ok but there are certain triggers (traveling) that I still have trouble with. I'm supposed to go to Baltimore this May and I'm not looking forward to it. I attempted this trip back in November and it was an epic fail. Got on the plane but couldn't do it. Had to deplane and scrap the whole trip. Some days I think I'm doing so well and others I realize just how restricted I am. I see a counselor once and week as well as a Psychiatrist every 3 months for meds. I have been on meds since 1990. I just don't see myself ever coming completely off of them!

16-02-14, 14:08
Hi Caryn. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.