View Full Version : Meds

13-02-14, 14:16
How long are the various anti anxiety meds supposed to be taken? Are some people on them for years, for life even?

13-02-14, 16:06
It depends. I was given fluoxetine for OCD and anxiety and the GPs never encouraged me to come off them or suggest any kind of talk therapy. This has meant that my brain has got so used to them that the longest period of time I've been off them in the last decade has been 7 months.

In terms of benzodiazepines, you don't want to be taking them regularly for more than a couple of weeks or else you can become tolerant to them. Occasional use is fine though.

Are you on any meds or are you considering taking them? If the latter, unless you're really struggling, I'd try natural remedies or talking therapies before going down the pharma meds route.

13-02-14, 16:33
Thanks for your reply. My biggest problem with anxiety was about 25 years ago, I was given Valium I think, took one, didn't like how it made me feel, so never took any more. I basically healed myself with mostly willpower and have been fine since.
However, late last year I had a few panic attacks and a touch of agoraphobia brought about by a complication following surgery. I'm coming out of it now, without meds again. I have an appointment to see my local Wellbeing team to talk about my anxiety in a couple of weeks.
The reason I asked my original question is that I see so many people on here having bad side effects of the meds and having to wait up to a year for any kind of talking therapy, it seems like a pretty rubbish system to me. I guess medication has its place but surely talking is the first step.
Or is that just in an ideal world! !

13-02-14, 17:01
I agree - when a month's supply of citalopram costs the NHS £1.30 or thereabouts, its easy to throw meds at people rather than offer anything else.

If I were you, I'd try to manage without antidepressants if you can. Possibly propranolol could be an occasional option for managing the physical sides of anxiety? Other than that, avoid alcohol and caffeine, and drink chamomile tea if you need something calming.

13-02-14, 17:09
Is that all it costs the NHS? ? Lot cheaper than training counsellors!
Yeah I'll carry on as I am. Worst physical symptom is dizziness but I can cope with that. I'll definitely try the chamomile tea, I don't drink alcohol, but I do like one or two cups of ordinary tea a day:D
Thanks again

13-02-14, 17:12
A cup or two of normal tea should be fine - it contains theanine which is a calming chemical and helps balance out the effects of the caffeine to some extent. Definitely go for the chamomile though - let it stew for 5 mins or more and add some honey if you find the taste a bit questionable.