View Full Version : Can anyone help me? Anexietys back :(

13-02-14, 19:45
All week I've been worrying, whenever I go to the toilet, if I try & push a poo out (its discusting I know) I get pain in my lower belly like where you'd get period pains, is this because Im straning? I don't get the pain unless I push but now I find myself pushing in the day not to have a poo but to see if I still get the pain sometimes I do & sometimes I don't, can anyone help put my mind at rest, thankyou xxx

13-02-14, 19:50
Personal question but r u around the time u ovulate?

13-02-14, 19:52
Yeah I'm due to be on my
Period next week xx

13-02-14, 20:43
Oh my goodness I have the same concern my lower belly hurts right now even when I'm not pushing. I think I am ovulating as well.

13-02-14, 21:07
This is only happening to me when I push its horrible & really worrying!!!xxx

13-02-14, 21:59
I get this when I'm ovulating it's really painful myself and my friends were on about this the other week it's really common, painful not dangerous. Try not to worry.