View Full Version : Woman women anyone here need a shoulder

22-07-04, 01:18
I got gyni appointment today i am so dreading it, i am having abnormal pre cancer cells burnt away i am so scared... anyone had this done? gybi said to me o it will be ok all u will feel is the needle going into your uterus wtf? i am so so so so so scared... i have alot of anxiety going about.. how many mgs max of valium can i take? my appointment is at 3pm (thursday).. sorry if this is wrong posting this here just i have bad anxiety about it, and i been getting loads of panick attacks and nightmares :(


Luv Y'all


22-07-04, 11:33
Hi Donna

Please don't worry too much. You will be fine. Three of my friends have had this done and they were all ok. Honestly, I think the procedure sounds worse than it is. I understand you don't really feel anything more than you would with a smear test.

Please let us know how you get on


22-07-04, 12:34

haven't had it done but I think it is 'normal' to feel anxious about this.

What have you done this mornig to try and relax yourself? is someoe going with you for a little moral support?

It may be that you don't go into this forum and read this after it is all over and done with, if you do read this all the best and think in 5 hours time it will all be over and done with

Good Luck


22-07-04, 12:36
Hey Donna,

You will have left by now but just to say we're thinking of you and hope all went well.

If you need any more gynae stuff doing let us know ahead of time and there are a couple of people who have passed through here who have been through it too..so could email and get some - been there - support


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

22-07-04, 16:33
Hi, thanks all so much for the support... i been and come hoe what an awfull thing to do i am 24 yrs old and i acted like a child.. i was crying my eyes out, i even had a sticker for bravery lmao.. i didnt need the anesthetic that they use down below (big needle) i just had the burning sensation was all over in 4 seconds all this palarther and its all over thankfully.... got to go bk in 6 mnths for a smear.. thanks for all the support i so much appreciate it..

Luv Y'all


22-07-04, 16:59

You were scared, there is nothing shameful in that. A good cry helps us feel better.

I'm glad that it is all over and done with for you


22-07-04, 19:38
Hi there Donna

Well done you for getting through it :D

I would have been every bit the same as you were only probably a whole load worse as I've got a real phobia about gynae things. Think the reason I'm 36 and don't have any kids is due to the fact I'd panic everyday of the pregnancy thinking that the baby had to come out somewhow [:O] (my knees are glued together at the very thought).

You were incredibly brave, it was a hugely scary thing to go through. Bet you are just sooo glad its all over.

Lots of love Jo xxx

22-07-04, 19:50
Hi there Donna

Well done for being so brave, just goes to show that the thought is often worse than the actual doing isnt it?

Jo - Snap....lol

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

22-07-04, 19:55
Hi Donna

Sorry I never got chance to reply before you went cos I had the operation years ago so I could have reassured you.

Glad you are ok and it is all over with now.

Best to be safe eh?


26-07-04, 14:37
Hey Donna welll done!!! I had to have this done when i was 17 (im 18 now), it wasnt very nice at all but didnt so much hurt but felt uncomfortable.

I also have a cyst on of my overies which involves gyni surgery. eugh, lemme know if you ever need anymore advice, im getting quite an expert on this gyni stuff!! (great!!)


03-08-04, 01:55
thanks agai nfor the replys... i actually have cysts on my ovarys too, i been suffering with gyni probs since i was 16 (24 now) i had a cyst that twisted and i had to have an emergency operation early hours in the morning... was bad, im ok now, i suffer with pcos poly cystic ovarys... get a period every 3 mnths... now this is very strange indeed, i came on begining of july had my treatment 2 weeks ago and i just come on my perios begining of august? do you think the treatment i had has fixed my period problem at all? this is very strange for me to come on 2 mnths ina row exactly 21 days apart ... the thing that is bugging me also is that gyni had to turn my uterus around? strange..

anyways thanks again

Luv Y'all


03-08-04, 13:24
Oh gosh these problems are just the same as what i experience!! i have a very rare cyst which cannot be taken out as it would leave me infertile. my periods are also just like yours, i never know where i am at!! Try not to worry or it will get worse in my experience xxx


03-08-04, 18:46

It really is nothing to worry about it is almost painless I have had it done twice. It is more embarrasing than anything else. I had to sit with my legs in stirrups!!

Hope this helps

03-08-04, 23:17
lol oh ive been through that one, with an extremely good looking, young doctor!! its always the way!!


15-08-04, 18:26
Hi, I'm new to this site so iI'm not sure if I am replying to the right thing. I just wanted a bit of help and advice as I'm also experiencing gyne problems, which have brought on panick attacks, as the doctors dont know what is wrong with me. I feel truly awful and am finding it really hard to deal with. I hoped that talking to people who understand what I'm going through would make it better.


15-08-04, 18:42
Hi Alison

Welcome to the site!

Sorry to hear that you have these problems. Can you tell us anymore or would you prefer not to?


16-08-04, 12:42

I have been having problems bleeding too much but the doctors dont know what it is yet. It means I just missed my holiday that I was waiting for for ages, but the worse thing was that it has started off giving me really bad panic attacks. I feel really rubbish all the time and I dont know how to cope with it. I just worried that the feeling will never go away. I thought talking to someone about it would make me feel better

Thanks for listening.
