View Full Version : Help ! Really getting scared now

22-11-06, 18:04

I know I have posted before on a similar topic and I had some really helpful comments, but the symptoms are getting worse now and I'm really scared.

I have this pain (dull ache) just under my right ribs and a pain in the centre of my back (between shoulder blades) that I just can't shift. It feels like wind, though I can't get rid of it and I am terrified it's some sort of cancer.

I also sometimes get the pain (ache) in my right hand side and it seems to move around a bit, any idea ?

I just keep imagining I've got a tumour somewhere that's pressing on all different nerves and giving me radiating pain in different places. I am so scared I spend all day and night worrying about it. I guess I've had this for 3 or 4 weeks now.

I know I should go and see the doctor but I am terrified of what he might tell me and the tests I might have to have.


22-11-06, 18:19
There's so many of us that get unexplained pain - I think it is probably caused by tension in the body and just an awareness of our bodies that non-anxious people don't get.

When I get a pain, I analyse it and think of all the things that could be causing it - which is probably completely misguided as I'm not in any way medically qualified!

I think you should try to stop self-diagnosing, and take yourself along to your GP. You'll feel so much better afterwards, just discussing it with someone who can help. Whatever it is, nothing is worse than not knowing.

By the way, I would be reassured by the fact that it moves around - and also, is this 24 hours a day you get this pain, or on and off? Does it keep you awake at night (the pain, not the worrying!).

22-11-06, 18:28
It's an on and off pain, no the pain doesn't keep me awake at night, but the worrying does !

22-11-06, 18:53
I have this sciatica pain and abdo pain but again they dont keep me awake at night and theyre not there all the time. I reckon if it was something bad id have it all the time!!!!

22-11-06, 19:37

I know all to well what you are going through - I have had the EXACT same thing. I was certain it was stomach or pancreatic cancer or even lung cancer. The thing to remeber, those of us that have these health anxieties are hyper sensative to our bodies - and every little pain or twinge, that most folks would simpy dismiss we worsen through our worry. The body is a web of muscles and when you are stressed or under sever worry, you tense these muscles up, you not even aware you are doing it. Trust me on this, I've been down this road. Right side rib pain, usually under the rib, with pain that radiates to the middle of your back - it can be just below the shoulder blades or right between them. It would last for weeks until I calmed my self down. I have learned from therepy not to jump tp conclusions. You are not a doctor and googling symptoms is the absolute worst thing you can do. Make an appt with your doc and explain everything to him/her - including the level of worry you are going through.

I have had health anxiety for 10 years now, I know how dibilitiating it can be. My fears focused on cancer and during this past ten years I have thought I had just about every type of cancer there is. I have started medication (Zoloft) and seeing a counselor - wow what a difference. I can now recognize these pains and twinges for what they are.

See your doc and put your mind at ease.

Take care


22-11-06, 21:06
Hi Kevin

Many thanks for your response, it helps enormously to know that someone else has been through the same as you !

Kind Regards

22-11-06, 23:18
Hi guys,

I get this too,it completely freaks me out,like now for instance.

I was in A&E 2 weeks ago because of it,i was convinced it ws to do with my heart(googled and it said somewhere that a heart attack can radiate to the shoulder blades).Anyway was sent home feeling slightly embarassed at the end of it.

I know we shouldnt worry but we JUST do !!!

Take care,Candie xxx

24-09-08, 19:54
kind of not replying to this but to say that at the moment i have the severe pain in between my shoulder blades and just under my boobs in the middle. i have chronic gastritis and have seen my doc who has upped my meds. I had a bronchial infection on holiday and was given the wrong antibiotics which have apparently upset my stomach yet again, then i came home and went out drinking heavily, which i never do.
the pain is crap, im worrying constantly that i have lung cancer or heart attack, then i reason the doc listened to my heart and it was ok and my chest was ok. so why am i worrying, cos im down and think my immune system is low. i read the reply to this from the guy describing his pain and tension and keep going back and reading it, the pain he describes is just what i have.

i have this cough that i think is probably left over from my chest infection, but its dry and feels like i cant cough up properly, so ive got to have something life threatening dont i. if my husband rubs my back i can cough properly and it feels loose again. sometimes i cant take a deep breath right down, but then on the other hand i can do my in through the nose breathing exercises!! i think im just writing this as i feel so low and am sick of the pain, i did my relaxation cd a few times and the pain seemed to go a little.

the doc said i should have an ultra sound to check for gall stones, not life threatening, so why do i think everything is pointing to my heart. then i can think if it was my heart would my pulse be so steady(im a pulse checker)

just wanted to vent and get some sensible reassurance. im sorry im whining but im fed up now and cant seem to get a handle at the moment.

jools. ps im a smoker who is gonna try and give up next week.

24-09-08, 20:16
DJM - I get this and have done for years.

Two ideas. Get someone to give your upper back a really deep massage and use some deep heat, look for a knot of muscle at the lower part of the shoulder blade between the shoulder blade and spine. Also take an antacid. I always find mine is muscular or digestion related. Very painful though. Especially the shoulder blade pain.


I also have gastritis and the pain you describe is probably from that or muscular from tension - see my advice above:)

The cough is probaby left over from your chest infection but are you aware that stomach trouble like gastritis or even bad indigestion can cause a cough? It is a common symptom.

Are you taking probiotics to counter the antibiotics. I never take them any more without taking 2 Holland and Barratt acidolphus(?) capsules a day. Just don't take then at the same time of day as the antibiotics 'cos they kill the probiotics!!

You say about a deep breath. Does it really hurt, if it does then it could well be muscular, I spent two weeks in the carribean last year convinced I was gonna die 'cos every time I took a deep breath I was in agony. Turned out the suitcases were too heavy and I had strained some muscles flying out :blush:

Hope that helps :)

24-09-08, 20:25
I've the exact same thing, I posted a message on torso pain the other night. I've had gastroscopy,ultrasound and now bloods (liver function) and all normal. I've worried its all sorts of horrendous diseases (i'll not list them though in case I've thought of one you haven't!), but Dr thinks its stress/anxiety. Hypochodrium is a structure in the upper abdomen, which is where the term hypochondriac comes from (according to my Dr explanation) so that gave me reassurance that health anxiety itself is named after the place where the majority of my pain is!

You're not on your own.


24-09-08, 20:45

I know I have posted before on a similar topic and I had some really helpful comments, but the symptoms are getting worse now and I'm really scared.

I have this pain (dull ache) just under my right ribs and a pain in the centre of my back (between shoulder blades) that I just can't shift. It feels like wind, though I can't get rid of it and I am terrified it's some sort of cancer.

I also sometimes get the pain (ache) in my right hand side and it seems to move around a bit, any idea ?

I just keep imagining I've got a tumour somewhere that's pressing on all different nerves and giving me radiating pain in different places. I am so scared I spend all day and night worrying about it. I guess I've had this for 3 or 4 weeks now.

I know I should go and see the doctor but I am terrified of what he might tell me and the tests I might have to have.


sounds like muscular stress pain to me.Most of the symptoms you described i have had and when i get mega stressed still do.When ytou get stressed your muscles contract and knot up,which is making you more stressed which in turn is making more muscles ache.Do you find when you first wake up the pain is not as bad then after while it comes back on.Because that was like me,my muscles we relaxing on the few times i actually got any sleep then before 10 am i felt pain again