View Full Version : An apology

13-02-14, 20:31
To all that read and responded to my post earlier

I was in a bad spot suffering from an extreme panic attack and I posted a very troubling and worrisome to some post.

I was able to talk myself down and actually didn't even call my therapist or go to the hospital. Looking back at the post and reading it in a different state of mind I realize how truly stupid I am for not only letting the panic make me so irrational but also to post the post I did.

I sincerely apologize if I caused any stress or worry to any and will try to refrain from posting such posts in the future

Your friend in this battle,

13-02-14, 20:57
Glad you're in a better place right now than earlier on. Now give your cat a huge load of lovin and fuss :)

13-02-14, 21:03
The most important thing is that you are feeling better now xxx

13-02-14, 21:24
Glad you are feeling better. One of the worse aspects of health anxiety is how it tricks us into mistaking how we feel for how we actually are. It is so easy to think 'I feel so dreadful, so I must be ill'. How you feel is not an accurate reflection of the state of your health.

My anxiety focuses on my heart (pvcs) and I certainly felt like you have - absolutely convinced I could drop dead any minute, afraid to sleep in case I died in the night. A test result might reassure me briefly, but it was shortlived. Ultimately, you have to decide what you are going to trust - your own biased emotions, or the detached, unbiased opinions of medical experts who will have seen hundreds of similar cases.

There are some great books and resources out there. Start treating the anxiety like you would an illness - do cbt exercises and relaxation exercises, just like you would do rehab if you broke your leg. There's no magic wand, but there are lots of things which will help.

13-02-14, 21:27
Please don't be sorry, we have all been there. I'm SO glad you are feeling better now. :yesyes::hugs:

13-02-14, 21:38
Glad you're feeling better, Ryan. Panic can be very convincing, unfortunately.

13-02-14, 21:44
I was in a very similar state yesterday and felt a bit silly afterwards.. I guess that's one of the reasons this site is so great, there's always someone at hand to help!
Glad you're feeling better.

13-02-14, 21:49
Hey, you don't have to apologize! As I always say-next time it'll be you helping some of us who helped you today. Chin up and keep it up! :)

13-02-14, 23:38
I'm glad you felt able to talk about what was going through your head, and others were able to help you rationalise it. That's what these boards are for, so don't apologise!

14-02-14, 02:50
We are all just so glad you are feeling better….., and I think today was actually a HUGE win for your rational side…..next time you start to really panic you will remember today…, and you will punch your anxiety dragon right in the nose.

14-02-14, 10:40
Thata fab. We've all done it. Last week mine was a deathly mutated infection found in eldery people with diabetes (I'm a non-diabetic 22 year old!)

14-02-14, 12:23
Ryan, absolutely no need to apologize. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better today. I agree that this will turn out to be a big win for you. Your rational thoughts won out at the end of the day and that's huge. Keep practicing those rational thoughts and it will become much easier tom put them into practice.

14-02-14, 13:01
Bless you Ryan. It reminds me of a post I wrote about 18 months ago. I was in the same state of mind you were and convinced I was about to die. I didn't! Reading back on that post now is like reading about somebody else. I don't know who it was. Our minds are hugely powerful and will convince you of absolutely anything when we are feeling vulnerable. I rarely have issues with my anxiety these days but if I am having an off day I take a step back, rationalise what is happening and carry on when I'm ready. It really does get better. Big hugs. xx