View Full Version : Sex life

14-02-14, 00:22
Ever since I started getting relationship ocd thought my sex drive is almost completely gone. Sometimes I'm I find it uncomfortable to kiss my girlfriend and I never want to have sec really. It's really annoying I know it am also in the start of a depression which isn't helping. Has anyone else suffered from this like the trying to avoid kissing or sex? :(

14-02-14, 08:16
Stress and low mood can just kill your sex drive. No doubt it depletes hormones and neurotransmitters.
Make sure your nutrition is good. Order a powerful multivit off the net and make sure you're not deficient in anything.
Lift your mood with cardio exercise. Walking up some hills/steps will pick your mood up but running or any cardio will do.
Lift some weights to boost your testosterone.
Take your mind off your worries by learning something maybe if you're not stressing you give your body's resources a chance to recover.

And it goes without saying that if your on anti-d's they can kill your sex drive stone dead.

14-02-14, 08:27
I don't have sex anymore. I can't remember the last time I did. I can't imagine doing it again. x

14-02-14, 16:28
Sex drive is a fickle and fragile thing when you have stuff on your mind. As others have said above, good diet, exercise and de-stressing as much as possible all help. Try and talk to your partner if you can, sometimes some understanding, love and intimacy without sex can all help take the pressure off and nudge you in the right direction.