View Full Version : Panicking - Seen another sign

14-02-14, 00:25
Help me someone?

Why does this keep happening?! I honestly am doing all I can to be rational, and I'm doing all I can to accept it as a coincidence. But this is TWICE in the past two days I've seen a story about my biggest fear. surely this can't keep happening like this? It really is trying to tell me something right?

I'm scared and feel physically sick :weep:

Someone help me see sense here.

14-02-14, 00:44
I don't think an anxious mind thinks rationally, but I might be wrong!

It's all coincidence, what else can it be?:wacko: If not coincidence then what would 'it' be telling you?

I haven't seen other posts so am not sure what your biggest fear is but I think your anxious ridden mind is making a big deal out of nothing, which happens to us all.


14-02-14, 00:50
Thank you Betty.

My fear is mainly of a certain illness, the more I see it the more it feels like it's trying to tell me I have it. Sorry to sound silly but this honestly feels too real now :weep:

14-02-14, 02:25
Hi Luna, I know your feeling I have health anxiety and was focusing 10 years back on a certain disease. I still cannot even say the name it gives me chills. And as you I had the feeling I was "bumping" into it many time I also had dreams about it and thought it is a sign that must be true. I had all sort of medical exams performed to rull out that I had the disease but still I would not believe what the doctors said. At that time I did not take medecine and nobody told me it was because and anxiety. I ultimately ended up feeling better after a long time but still cannot talk about "it".
6 months ago I had surgery and complications which is now over but it all started again the panic about having something really nasty (even if the docs would tell me otherwise). This time I knew it was anxiety and started on the med and I got better quite fast. Unfortunately I stopped too early and I am back on them but this is a different story. But now I manage to tell myself this is "only" anxiety and it will get better. So hang on to your medecine and hopefully this soon will only be a bad dream.

14-02-14, 02:38
You know how all of us that are so sensitized to our bodies feel every single, little thing? Things that most people wouldn't even notice because they aren't looking for them? (Heart fluctuations, breathing patterns, nerve sensations, etc.) They are things that go on all day long in everyone- but most people never notice them…..until they struggle with anxiety, and then even when we think we are not thinking of our bodies at all we still notice every little flare.
Well, you are over-sensitized in the area of your biggest disease fear. Those of us that don't have that fear hear the same stories, news briefs, etc, but don't even notice because we aren't sensitized to it. Those same stories are out there for us to hear too, but they just "go in one ear and out the other."

You probably don't get as affected as stories of kidnappings, child abuse, etc as I do, because I have children and am very sensitized to stories of that nature…..I feel as if they are everywhere. Those same stories are around you all the time, but you probably don't take much pause with them as you are not sensitized to them.

Another car analogy (where are these coming from? Lol! Must be FMP rubbing off on me ;) )….. I recently have gotten my heart set on a certain car I had never seen before…..well, guess what,….now that I have noticed it (and am "sensitized" to it)-- I see them EVERYWHERE!

Talk to yourself the way you would talk to any other member here dealing with "irrational anxiety." Coach yourself. Cheerlead for yourself. And- LISTEN to your self….your TRUE self….the one that is so well spoken, intelligent, caring, and RATIONAL.

14-02-14, 11:05
Morning, Thank you TooMuch!

I understand completely, I think it may have just caught me off guard as I had been fairly tired after a very busy day. it's interesting because I know I see many other things about various other illnesses more so this shows that I'm being irrational.

I'm going to get back in the drivers seat today :)

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ----------

Thank you Helena,

It's comforting to know you got through it. I'm sure I will too :)

14-02-14, 12:14
Luna, glad that you seem to be feeling better this morning. When our bodies are tired and stresses, we tend to pick up on the strangest things and our overactive imaginations make small things huge.
Desensitization may be helpful in this type of situation. See how many stories that you can find about this disease. Then they won't catch you off guard and you won't think that the random stories are "meant for you".
You can do this. You're doing great. Being able to admit your fears and irrational thoughts without constantly looking for reassurance is a huge step. Have a great day.

14-02-14, 12:34
Morning and thank you Tanner,

I have been thinking of the desensitisation but I'm just a little cautious as to whether it could cause an unwanted change of fear or it could perhaps cause me to try and relate the story to myself.

I think my psychiatrist intentionally talks about my fear a lot because he's trying to desensitise me. So I may just leave that to him, while I continue to use my gun of rationality that you beautiful people have reloaded for me :D

I hope you have a good day as well tanner, you deserve it.

14-02-14, 12:41
That's a great idea Luna. Talk to your psychiatrist about the desensitization piece and see how you can best utilize it. I will be thinking about you today and hoping that you're having a great day.

14-02-14, 13:34
two days ago I was driving and I said under my breath I wish I could be like my neighbour bob its a metaphor bob smokes drinks hes hugely overweight but he appears to be happy he constantly tells others how much hes looking forward to benidorm in july etc I dont want his lifestyle (but I want his look forward happy attitude)

then as I said it there was a blink 182 song on kerrang and he went

"forgive our neighbour bob cuz I think he humps the dog" I was freaked out

anyway 2 hours later a car I was behind when the bob song was on was bk infront of me in a totally different area ???????? I was like oh god whats the third thing gonna be negative thoughts flooding my mind and in the end I won some money in the bookies a positive thing

Ive now come to the conclusion that only ourselves can change this negative thought pattern through self help and medication and stop scouring websites for reassurance start enjoying your life
tk care kris

14-02-14, 14:30
Thanks Kris,

I must admit that was quite funny! but I understand. It's just hard when they pop up out of the blue, I never scour websites except this forum because I know that I definitely have anxiety rather than a whole host of other things.

I guess it's life way of strengthening me!

14-02-14, 16:28
Luna! You are me! Or I am you?

I see signs too. Yesterday I saw signs twice, once on the TV. I'd changed the channel to the wrong one and literally there it was in big black letters right on my TV screen, so obviously I thought wahhhhhh if that's not a 'sign' then what is. Later on during a conversation with my friend she mentioned it in regards to her degree. My heart was POUNDING, I felt sick and dizzy and like I was on the Truman show almost.

Today I got a sign. In a cafe, someone sat by me was wearing a badge showing their support/awareness or whatever. I fixated on it, like they'd worn it especially for me to see

I see signs far too often x

14-02-14, 16:39
Hello and thank you WhyWhyWhy!

Yeah we've spoke about this in one of my other threads, it just took me off guard last night!

It's not the nicest thing to pop up all the time either, especially as it causes me to panic :l

14-02-14, 17:25
Like someone else said I find it hard to type the word. YUCK.

I also get uncomfortable seeing other words associated with it. Very odd. At least we can gain some comfort knowing that it's probably not 'signs' if we are all seeing them haha x

14-02-14, 21:41
Hi I was hospitilized with my Pure O and I cant remember how its spelt but its worded/called.. in-aug-ar-el effect..... unless you spell it right though you cant find info on it sadly sorry

its to do with entering a room and your mind processing extremely quickly everything thats to do you with your intrusive/unwanted thoughts concerns

mine were unwanted violent thoughts so upon entering a room my mind would within split seconds pick every item that could be used as a weapon debilitating me because I didnt want to hurt anyone and never did

yours is just a branch of the same tree your minds focusing on things that you wouldnt have looked twice at before and now the red flag is there it seems like there everywhere you look so your being freaked out more


14-02-14, 22:00
Yeah that sounds exactly like what I do, I'd really be interested if you could find that word, are you sure it's not inaugural effect?

I've had this type of scanning in social situations as well which is how I developed HA, I would access how everyone was acting and perhaps draw irrational conclusions. Like for instance I'd think they were all winking at each other or laughing when I turned. and other things like that.

14-02-14, 22:31
hi ive actually searched the way you have spelt it before and it doesnt match to the description on my medical notes which i cant find at mo

it was something like this

"having spent time with X I note he has the condition knows as inaug? effect, he has the ability to note his surroundings in a much quicker time than the usual person would and he is now hyper vigilant? having shown him 4 pieces of detailed ART work each with an error he was able to spot the error in well under the usual time frame

so if im right you wouldnt actually think people are winking at each other you would actually be the one to see them winking at each other like something dodgy is going on youd be the one to spot it lol

sadly mine did like yours is probably debilitating your life a bit

tk care

14-02-14, 22:50
Wow that is so interesting. I'd like to read more about that x

19-02-14, 13:14
Well today I'm seeing signs literally everywhere- the TV, the radio then I open up a magazine and there it is looking back at me, constant reminders like it's signs there for me

Feel yucky

19-02-14, 13:50
They still come up for me, but I've stopped over reacting to them and literally just acknowledge them, that's all. Maybe you could try that?

21-02-14, 11:30
they are there because you are looking out for them you have trained your mind to be aware of these things/words that before wouldnt have bothered you

if having a stroke is a concern you will go everywhere where 2 stroke engine oil is on offer at the front of the shop in big red writing or therell be dogs tied up outside shops and youll hear everyone say AWWW Lets STROKE the dog lol

you have become hyper vigilant and you and you only are feeding the anxiety im afraid

all that will happen is youll still be here in 4 weeks time but sadly your last 4 weeks of your life will have been crippled by anxiety

tk care kris

21-02-14, 13:40
they are there because you are looking out for them you have trained your mind to be aware of these things/words that before wouldnt have bothered you

if having a stroke is a concern you will go everywhere where 2 stroke engine oil is on offer at the front of the shop in big red writing or therell be dogs tied up outside shops and youll hear everyone say AWWW Lets STROKE the dog lol

you have become hyper vigilant and you and you only are feeding the anxiety im afraid

all that will happen is youll still be here in 4 weeks time but sadly your last 4 weeks of your life will have been crippled by anxiety

tk care kris

Love this explanation, thankyou :) it just sometimes seems like 'HEY HERES A SIGN HAHAHAHAHAHA' it's horrid xxx

21-02-14, 15:26
thats ok I hope it helps... somethings Ive looked back on and Ive thought what on earth was I thinking etc

Ive probably mentioned it somewhere on another post but the other day I was having a bad day with ptsd then whilst out eating mexican food (so imagine my hands prob got salt on it and jalapeno pepper juice etc lol from my finger eating)

I WENT AND RUBBED MY LEFT EYE as it was itching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well already heightened by the days anxiety the left side of my face started burning my eye was feeling weird so I went to the toilet and ANALYZED IT MYSELF Like the eye surgeon I am and it was blood shot red and looked like the worst case of lazy eye id seen so I went into a right frenzy of its game over

the rational side of me didnt kick in and say kris you idiot youve just rubbed your eye with your hand thats been dipped in mexican food lmaooooooooo

well since then Ive completely limited my alcohol intake took atenolol and I feel a different bloke good times ahead i think

21-02-14, 16:01
so I went to the toilet and ANALYZED IT MYSELF Like the eye surgeon I am

Laughing at yourself is probably the best medicine. I am looking forward to these experiences for myself!

Thank you Ohwell. I needed the :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

21-02-14, 21:29
no probs shall I start a stand up comedian thing on anxiety tour the Uk 'symptoms for one night only or something'

21-02-14, 23:52
This made me laugh :) :) :)

Thankyou xx