View Full Version : boil/spot inside my ear.

14-02-14, 12:54
I have a spot/boil with a white head on it in the entrance of my ear. Its painful, not bad but annoying and painful when pressed.

Do I need to see a doctor? I'm worrying because a couple of weeks ago when I was googling about ears (don't ask lol) it said that its an infection, dangerous to pop etc now I'm worrying. Gah :(

14-02-14, 13:01
I wouldn't say I'm an expert but I've had many ear infections and even a perforated ear drum, but this sounds like none of them. It's just a normal spot probably from rubbing it or a slight build of of dirt in your pores around that area :)

You can never usually see an ear infection unless it's an infection from ecsma. Also the pain is constant and it really does hurt, I've had to carry around a boiling hot towel to keep on my ear in the past.

As long as it's not in the canal I doubt popping it will cause any problems.