View Full Version : blood on inside of nose and headache

14-02-14, 21:45
Okay so the past couple of days I've had a headache but it might be a sinus headache - I'm not sure. But I woke up with a sore right nostril and today there's been blood inside like if I look up you can see the blood on the inside of my nose, it's not coming down my nose but just like maybe a cut im not sure but anyway a headache and a bloody nose scares me A LOT :-( I need some calming down because I'm quite scared

14-02-14, 21:47
It sounds like the lining of your nose, mine bleeds a bit most mornings I think it just gets dry through the night.

14-02-14, 21:50
It sounds like the lining of your nose, mine bleeds a bit most mornings I think it just gets dry through the night.

It's still like it tonight though :-( maybe it is because its dry!

14-02-14, 22:59
I think it will be. I have started to put some Vaseline just inside my nostrils when I go to bed and it seems to be helping.

14-02-14, 23:06
Cool air humidifiers do wonders during the dryness of winter.

Positive thoughts