View Full Version : I'm back!!! Depression sucks :'(

14-02-14, 23:08
Hi everyone not been on here in a while my heads all over the place at minute. I'm 23 and been suffering from depression and anxiety for a while now I'm on flenexdix or how ever you spell it. I feel so alone :'(

15-02-14, 10:23
I'm on Citalopram 30mg. Get depression big time. Your not alone on here Lizzy, this is just a great zone for the head, and i come on here every day. It keeps me sane. If you want to talk, tell us whats making you depressed, then we are here for you...hang in there..

23-06-14, 01:08
Thanks Deckardblues :'(

24-06-14, 22:14
Hey LL... Sorry to hear you're suffering at the moment... I am in the same boat and feel a bit lost right now. Remember, there are always people here that are willing to listen and have a chat if you feel like you can't turn anywhere else :)

I've only been a member for a day and already I can see the positive effects of chatting to people who understand what you're going through, as well as reading through some fantastic articles and information on here.

Take care of yourself! :hugs:

30-06-14, 01:03
Thanks AnxietyDJ sometimes I feel so alone noone to talk to but I do have a supportive bf but still feel down at times been off my antidepressants a few months now but still feel down :( always here for a chat. Take care :hugs:

30-06-14, 01:16
Cool, glad to hear you've got someone in your life that can help support you :)

I came off my meds a couple of months ago as well, due to the negative side effects... Meant to have started on some new ones, but I haven't really had the guts as of yet because i'm worried about feeling lousy again :(

Anyway hope you've had a good weekend and look forwards to hearing how you're getting on! x

30-06-14, 01:19
I have had a good weekend thank you yourself? And bless ya :hugs: even though I have friends I feel like I don't I feel alone at times :-(

30-06-14, 01:31
I know that feeling... As i've said in other posts on here, i haven't really told friends about my condition(s) as I'm worried they won't understand, or even laugh at me (my friends can be a bit harsh like that, at times). Also, since i've been more of a recluse, i've noticed that a lot of so-called good friends have disappeared off the radar, which made me think that perhaps it was only my efforts that kept us together before :(

My weekend wasn't bad thanks - very quiet... A lot of lazing around and watching tv :) Did you get up to much? x

14-10-14, 02:20
Sorry I've not been on here much how is everyone?