View Full Version : pain between shoulder blades

22-11-06, 20:43
Hi all,
Anyone get pain/discomfort between shoulder blades, especialy after
eating? Can only describe it as indigestion/heartburn like, but I don't
get the pain in the chest.Normaly accompanys difficulty swallowing.I'm
sure its another great anxiety sympton, but mind keeps swaying towards
cancer of the esophagus (spell) although being only 37 that seems
unlikely !!!
Thanks in advance

22-11-06, 21:09

Read my post from this evening, exactly what I get !! There is a reply from a guy called Kevin, which really puts things into perspective !!


22-11-06, 22:08
i got this alot at the begining of the year. i was finally diagnoised with acid reflux, and since being on meds for it i don't get it anywhere near as bad as i did. of course having health anxiety makes the symptoms a whole lot worse and before i was diagnoised i was convinced i had throat/lung cancer.
i do still get the occasional griping pains like trapped wind in my shoulder blade area, but my physio did inform me you can get trapped wind there.

maybe have a word with your doc, if just to put your mind at rest.

all the best

22-11-06, 23:24
Hi nigel,

I have posted on the other thread about this.I too get these symptoms especially after eating,it worries me sick.I was in A&E 2 weeks ago because of this,of course i was sure it was my heart.Anyway they sent me home after the ecg and told me it was anxiety.

I guess its just another ****ty symptom of anxiety i guess.

Take care...Candie xx

23-11-06, 13:57
Hi Nigel,

I have had this before too. I am sure it was due to tension with me though. Found a nice hot relaxing bath helped.


29-11-06, 02:41
I hate this symptom almost most of all.I will feel a crushing sensation in my chest and between my shoulder blades ..years ago wouldnt even thought to much about it other than just pain now..from googling i always think heart attack. Didn't even know that you could have a heart attack from the back ..now i know its got to be tension.. and really bad tension..I had it one evening after going to the doctor from being so tense I thought I had an elepant on my chest.The next time i got it was from my son coming to visit..It made me hurt so bad the next day it was even hard to wash my hair in the shower and took three days to go away...I get it at night sometimes when i have been particularly nervous..and even now im getting some under my ribcage in the front..could it be from laying a heavy notebook computer there.. and just eating.. I think thats probably it.. but thought i would let you know what i had found out so far..by the way im 52 and still kicking.I suppose when there isnt a daily post from me here anymore the shoulder blade pain got me or heart gave out..but well with knowing what I do about anxiety ..and even just thinking it might be something else i would imagine i will have many daily post for awhile..take care and hope you get to feeling better..

29-11-06, 19:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi

Read my post from this evening, exactly what I get !! There is a reply from a guy called Kevin, which really puts things into perspective !!


<div align="right">Originally posted by DMillbank - 22 November 2006 : 21:09:45</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Dave

Couldn't find the post you refer to - can you guide me to it please.


29-11-06, 23:48
I can relate to this.....

Anxiety and tension are the problem as folks have said. I used to live on Gaviscon but a good deep muscle massage did the trick.

Of course the root problem is in my head, and I'm working on that!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

30-11-06, 09:01

It's here :

Help ! Really getting scared now (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=14970)


05-06-12, 10:54
I can relate to this.....

Anxiety and tension are the problem as folks have said. I used to live on Gaviscon but a good deep muscle massage did the trick.

Of course the root problem is in my head, and I'm working on that!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

I usually get pains in the arms as well , some days it's bad & some days it's not and i immediatly go into panic mode! Does anyone else get those pains too.

05-06-12, 12:18
Hi all,
Anyone get pain/discomfort between shoulder blades, especialy after

had this the other week after every time i ate, didn't want to eat because of it at first, but then i was 99% sure it was trapped wind & muscle tension for me, i had trouble swallowing because i felt like my food was going down my back (as that can happen if it goes down the wrong way) but it wasn't, but still i was making a conscious effort to swallow properly which was likely tensing me up and making it difficult. you're probably having trouble swallowing because you're tense from feeling anxious about the shoulder blade issue. i stopped worrying about it and drank hot liquids with my meal and just let it happen if it wanted to and it went away after about a week or so, i'm sure yours will too :hugs:

13-12-15, 11:29
its an old post i found on my search did you find any answer to this issue?i have backe ache when swallowing too plz update here thankyou

13-12-15, 13:24
I get this, so does my mum and sister. Seems to be a wind/acid type thing. It's never actually worried me to be honest, even though it's very sharp and can hang around for a few weeks. Hurts more to take a deep breath in X