View Full Version : scared, fed up with anxiety

15-02-14, 00:41
Hi I am New to this, I am fed up feeling like something is wrong mainly with my heart, cause my left arm aches slot but it comes and goes, I am scared because my dad died off sudden heartattack.

I have had 2 ecgs done and few other tests and they came back normal.

I recently had blood tests done and been told I am anaemia, also got a b12 diffency. I am taking folic acid tablets for anemia and been taking citalopram 10mg but scared to take higher dose.

Going to docs next week hopefully they can help me. Could do with someone to talk too

15-02-14, 11:01
I have the same problem, been in hospital twice with chest pains, but with all the tests, I had,which were all negative, they convinced me my heart was ok. and the more you worry about it the mote anxious you get, so I trey not to think about it by distracting myself, maybe play a game on pc or do some painting or a crossword I hope this helps you

15-02-14, 19:18
Thank you for your reply. Mine seems to get worse at night going back to docs next week to speak bout everything that is going on with me hopefully they can refer me to speak to someone.

16-02-14, 14:09
Hi dmw. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

16-02-14, 14:18
Good Morning DMW. Welcome to NMP and the forum. You will find manynpeople on here that understand what you're going through. When I first joined, it helped me immensely to find the folks who were recovering and to learn from their successes. Good luck on your journey.