View Full Version : Strange pause feeling?

15-02-14, 04:39
I was on my way home from work tonight just watching the cars around me with the radio off when all of a sudden i got this strange feeling from the middle of my gut that went up to my head and almost felt like i paused in time.. does anyone know the feeling? I tried to fight it off by telling my self it was nothing but it persisted.. i had to take an ativan..

Also my right abdomen is tight. Kinda feels like trapped air maybe.. it feels very dense witha occasional travel pain to my groin/right hip..

i have a feeling both are connected.

15-02-14, 08:12
HI - I think I know what you're talking about, it's almost as if you feel like you've black out but you haven't?
Or you went deaf for a split second, it's a weird feeling, I relate it to something changing in my environment, eg : I'll be listening to a song and the bass will change, that will effect me, or a light will dim and I'll think I'm blacking out, or a vibration will start or stop ..... could this be it?

15-02-14, 12:25
I believe this is depersonalization. Where you feel like the world isn't real and it's a dreamlike state. I get this under extreme anxiety and is actually my most dreaded symptom.

15-02-14, 14:29
MBarger, purely anxiety. I've had this often. I'm not sure what causes it but it really doesn't matter. You can stop it by not paying it any attention and by working on your anxiety levels.

15-02-14, 14:38
Hope this helps: (taken from the "Symptoms" link at the top left of this page)

Depersonalization, Derealization, Feeling of unreality

What you feel:

Now for the Brain , the limbic system in the brain instigates this whole response and is responsible too for our emotions and behaviour One of the body symptoms that people hate most is the one when you feel all foggy, surreal, woozy or spacey. You may either feel that you are not real or that the earth is not real and you're a time warp away. These are often the hardest symptoms to understand and its very common to deduce that you must be going mad which makes you panic even more. This is completely untrue and you are very safe.
You feel like you are not a part of what is going on, or that you feel like you are in a dream state or 'out of touch with things'. Also, things around you may seem like they are shimmering, foggy, hazy or too bright.
What causes this:

As we learned in Understanding, the body and mind are tightly integrated. What affects one affects the other. This symptom is another example of how an over stimulated nervous system can cause us to experience odd and impaired feelings, emotions and perceptions. Much like how a psychoactive or recreational drug can alter one's mental state, an over active nervous system can affect certain body chemistries thereby producing mind altering effects. The feeling of unreality or disassociation is one type of altered mental state that high levels of stress biology can produce.
It is not completely understood what goes here but it is generally thought that the limbic system in the brain decides there is too much going on and goes into a self protection mode and shuts out excess stimuli. As the adrenaline levels decrease and you calm down it clears. This can be several hours days or weeks.

15-02-14, 17:13
Thanks guys. And gals.

it's gone this morning as I wake from a good night's sleep (Ativan) I'm sure. I've read the symptoms tab but never the tab you linked.. anxiety is a funny beast am ever changing prankster it seems, a month ago all I ever had was chest pains I thought if I could just get rid of these damn things I would be healed! Well I had heart tests and now they are gone it's very nice to feel normal in that section again. Now my mind seems to be focused on my lower gut which I'm working on, I'm trying to get my doctor to refer me to a gastro, to get a internal look at what's going on in my gut.

seems the subconscious mind is always running and likes to strike even when I feel normal all day and feel I'm having a good day.. bam anxiety strike..

seems now these new symptoms are just my anxiety morphing to new ideas to scare me. I in vision this as a toothpaste tube.. where eventually it will all be pushed out and I'll have nothing left to freak me HA out and I'll be back to my good old selfie!

15-02-14, 17:27
I'll just pop in and say I've had this! you described it better though. I thought it was like a weird type of deja vu or something, but it only ever happens when I go from doing one thing to another. I called it a thought jump, although thinking about it now it's more like a surge of adrenaline as I suddenly change my thought state or surroundings, if you get what I mean.

I thought I was alone on this one!

15-02-14, 18:32
I'll just pop in and say I've had this! you described it better though. I thought it was like a weird type of deja vu or something, but it only ever happens when I go from doing one thing to another. I called it a thought jump, although thinking about it now it's more like a surge of adrenaline as I suddenly change my thought state or surroundings, if you get what I mean.

I thought I was alone on this one!

It's definitely a very strange feeling. Just like my heart stopped or skipped a beat, it also felt as I took no breaths which is what triggered the anxiety I think. It's very strange and happened about 6 tinesIin a span of 3 hours. As always it's comforting to know there are other people with this.