View Full Version : On day 5 of antibiotics...2 days to go and still having awful cough and wheezing

15-02-14, 08:30
So I've been on antibiotics since Tuesday.
GP said I had a chest infection. At the start of the week I felt unwell - chills, fever, body aches etc.
Now I don't have those symptoms but I do have a lingering cough that won't go away.
Every time I lay down at night and try to sleep I get a wheezing/crackling in my chest and I have to cough.
When I wake up (in the night) and morning, I sometimes have a coughing fit for an hour. Which obviously means I am currently exhausted. It's the weekend today and I should be having a lie in...instead I woke up at 5am and started coughing then went back into a fitful sleep then awake again at 7am and coughed for an hour...I'm so tired now but everytime I lay down it starts up again.
At night, I don't get to sleep until late because of the cough and wheezing.

Does anyone have any advice?
Should I go back to my GP as antibiotics clearly aren't working?
I'm supposed to be going away on Monday for a night so will I be ok for that? I won't get a doctor before Monday unless I go to an out of hours.
Panic mode has set in!

15-02-14, 08:36
Your antibiotics are working as you no longer have a fever. The cough could persists for a while. Just keep drinking plenty of fluids to lubricate abs try and get the phlegm up if you can. Have you been steaming as suggested?

15-02-14, 08:54
You still havent finished the course of antibiotics and they are clearly working. Make sure you finish the course. Coughs can linger for a few weeks after. An old remedy my gran used to give me was a spoonful of butter with sugar on (teaspoon). I still use it now to stop me coughing through the night. It lubricates your throat. Only you can decide if you are well enough to go away on Monday night.

15-02-14, 09:03
Thanks you two, well I feel ok in myself, it's just the cough for Monday night. Plus I've paid for it now and won't get my money back. It was a surprise for my boyfriend.

I feel exhausted...the coughing has really taken it out of me. And lack of sleep isn't helping.
I have been doing steam, how about an expectorant, can I use that with antibiotics?

15-02-14, 09:16
Pretty sure it'd be ok but best to go to the pharmacy and ask just in case it has contraindications.
Best thing I would do would be completely veg out this weekend. Try and nap as often as you can. Sitting up on the sofa even if its just catching half an hour here and there is better than nothing.

15-02-14, 09:18
I had a chest infection and the cough lingered for several weeks after. Its annoying to have coughing fits when your trying to sleep I know! It will pass :)

15-02-14, 11:31
The cough is just becoming a complete annoyance to me and everyone around me. How long do they normally take to clear up?

15-02-14, 11:45
When you go to bed at night....prop yourself up with pillows...that will help stop the coughing at night

15-02-14, 11:46
The cough can take weeks - you have to ride it out

I had it for about 3 weeks

15-02-14, 11:47
Try propping yourself up when sleeping, that should help you have a better sleep. Also, at night, rub some vicks on the soles of your feet and put socks on. Sounds weird I know but I have tried it myself and my kiddies it does help ease the cough (something to do with pressure points maybe)?

15-02-14, 11:49
The cough can take weeks - you have to ride it out

I had it for about 3 weeks

Ok thanks Nicola...something to look forward to then!
Does it ease off a little bit? I don't mind the cough but I can't stand the wheezing when I exhale...really horrible sensation.

17-02-14, 17:44
Now it's a rattle when I breathe in...only cleared by coughing...anyone know what this could be?
I don't have the tightness or tickley feeling anymore...just this weird rattle when I breathe in occasionally. No fever anymore either and I don't feel unwell as such.

17-02-14, 18:05
Sounds like things are still irritated from the coughing. That's part of the "it could last three weeks" thing.