View Full Version : Dizziness is back :(

15-02-14, 11:05
Hi all,

Well my dizziness seemed to of subsided over the past couple of weeks however I am back working on site today and guess what happens... The dizziness returns :(

It's making me walk round like a drunk person and it's completely draining me :( I feel knackered...

As always I'm panicking about fainting or collapsing and I can't seem to shift the horrible images in my head if that happens :( my eyes keep going all flicky and blurry to :(

I don't feel like this is migraine related today but I can't figure out why as soon as I get on site the dizziness starts :(

It's horrible, I'm panicking and not sure what to do :s

15-02-14, 11:13
This is one of the symptoms I get and it's horrible, and lasts ages the more we dwell on it the worse it seems to get or the more it lingers try not to focus on it or ignore it I know this is hard to do but it does work . Hope it goes for you soon.

15-02-14, 11:15
Morning Fedup,

I remember you mentioning that you carried a bag whilst working, could this be the cause? it could even be just the added pressure of being at work.

Sit down and have something to drink if you can, maybe even have a little stretch :)

15-02-14, 11:39
Hey, no got rid of the bag today!!
The problem is I work in exhibitions and I'm at the NEC and I think as it's so big and the lights all weird my body just goes I don't like this!
I've found a chair and sat down but I'm still feeling pants!
I get really worried about fainting, I never have but everytime I get these feelings I think what if I do today :(

15-02-14, 11:53
Classic anxiety symptom.........try to control your breathing...i get exactly the same feeling going into big covered arenas.......NEC,O2,NIA....................you may notice you are "chest breathing" and not "abdomen breathing"....you breaths are therefore shallow...try to deepen and slow down your breaths.:)

15-02-14, 13:33
Thank you :)
I ended up going to speak to the paramedics in the first aid here... I walked in and said I'm having a panic attack!! They were just fantastic, all they really did was talk to me and hey reckon I should write a book on anxiety and the effects it can have on ruining people's life's...
I won't let it ruin my life for ever but right now it is... Anyway they made me drink a big bottle of water and just calmed me down.. Surprise surprise I'm now feeling a lot better... Therefore it's bloodie anxiety again :( it's so hard to tell yourself that when you feel so ill and dizzy :(

I'm trying to figure out what it is about being in venues like this that causes it....

15-02-14, 13:46
I sympathise. Although I rarely have anxiety issues these days, when I did, dizziness was always my worst symptom. It ranged from feeling slightly off balance to that drunk, room spinning feeling - it went on for weeks and weeks and made my anxiety worse. Even now if I'm tired, overworked or just have alot on, my dizziness can reappear in a second. I have it today! I've had a really busy week and I've been a bit stressed. When I get stressed I feel anxious... and so on! I've learned to distract myself and relax and it helps alot. I really hope you feel better soon. xx

15-02-14, 14:10
FedUp, you said that the dizziness has never made you pass out but you always worry that it will. Whynworry about something that has never happened? You know that this is anxiety. Worrying about it will only exacerbate the symptoms. You are being your own worst enemy when you focus on these symptoms.
What techniques are you using on a daily basis to combat your anxiety?

15-02-14, 14:50
Fed Up-
Well done on walking right in and stating the TRUTH- "I'm having a panic attack!"
This shows that you are on the right track in accepting the anxiety! If others can calm you down in this condition- you can do the same, for sure! You just need to get that "dragon-slaying weapon kit" put together and practice using it BEFORE the battle…that way when the attack comes….you are ready to go!

I, second, Tanner's question- what are you doing to combat your anxiety?

15-02-14, 20:35
Hi both,

Thanks for your replies, I've started therapy again on Monday, it was tough!! It's called enhanced integrative therapy. It's early days and today was frustrating but I am glad that I can see and say it's anxiety...
The problem is it's very hard to think rationally when the panic sets in... I can look back now when I feel better and say right that was a panic attack but at the time it's very difficult to believe your mind can cause awful symptoms.

I have another therapy session in 2 weeks and have some homework to do..

The other thing I'm doing to help it is exercising... I've been swimming and to the gym 3 times this week and it's really helping :) today was just a little relapse but I will get back on track :)