View Full Version : Feeling shaky inside

15-02-14, 12:31
Hi desperately need some advise - posted the other day about throat tongue problems and am slowly driving myself mad - now feel a constant shaking feeling inside - I know that I am stressing but need to know that I am not alone in these symptoms and that it is all anxiety - I have had it before and has gone but seem to be going into overdrive at the moment - any advise?

15-02-14, 13:34
Hi sorry to hear how your feeling ,I too get this symptom when im really stressed my anxiety is high ,you need to relax dont focus on it even thou its there ride it out it will pass x

15-02-14, 14:19
Shazbog, all normal symptoms of anxiety. It is difficult when we are in the midst of anxiety not to be worrying about the physical symptoms, but you will need to learn to accept those symptoms for what they truly are, anxiety. Worrying about it all will only increase the adrenaline levels in your body, which in turn will create more anxiety and in turn, more symptoms.
Have you seen a physician about your anxiety or are you having any therapy?

15-02-14, 14:29
^^^^Tanner is a very wise woman and has hit the nail on the head.
I, too, have/get the shakes. I am very far along on my journey to recovery, but I still have a few physical symptoms that are hanging on daily because my nervous system is still in overdrive, pumping out that adrenaline. I often feel as if I am vibrating all over inside, or that I am plugged into a light socket.

We can support you and encourage you, but don't delay on seeking real treatment for your anxiety. The battle is more easily won if you start fighting it right away.

Also, consider getting the book "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes.

17-02-14, 09:11
Thank you good people :-) I am just not feeling better and the shaky feeling is almost constant together with keep going sweaty now also ...... I know that I am anxious at the moment as having a few marital issues and this all began then ...... Just feel I am slipping down very quickly and cannot stop it happening - have some Kalms in cupboard but have never taken one and don't like new medication and also have two out of date diazepam but daren't take them either x what a mess :-(

17-02-14, 09:30
Shazbog, I get this too. Only started getting it quite recently and it freaked me out as well to begin with, but it is definitely anxiety. For me, it's not dissimilar to the feeling you get when you're very nervous about something short-term (like waiting to go into a job interview or something), only it comes on when you're not expecting it doesn't pass! Like a previous poster said, it's your nervous system just getting over-excited, basically! Kalms are pretty harmless I think and I think they have helped me, so worth a shot.

17-02-14, 09:36
Thank you emlica x I feel a total mess and yes you are right about it being when you are nervous ...... Although it is almost constant and making feel feel tired and irritable now - very tearful and my lovely little boys keep asking me what is wrong x crazy to get into such a state really - I have to somehow stop this because everything is snowballing and I am beginning to worry about everything which in turn makes the shakiness worse x thank you again xxxxx

17-02-14, 12:13
What I'd like to know and have been finding hard to get any definitive answer for. Can you have constant nerves running through your body like a steam train. When at rest, It is more predominant, and yes they are there all the time. I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but I get light clicking sensations (not the joints) mainly in the fingers also contributed by my nerves, but lately I've been very calm, nothing too much to stress about. Yet, this plagues me the most, that and my constant vision disturbance. I'm desperate to find someone who has this 24/7, and not just occurs when in a PA or stressed.

I'd like to add, a few months back I would awake and instantaneously would feel a jolt of electricity running through my body, this has lessened. Been drinking chamomile tea before bed. But my nerves are driving me potty. Hopefully my doctor has recommended me to see the neurologist, hopefully get some answers. But would love to hear from you if you experience the same. X

17-02-14, 12:28
Hi Shazbog
Just to let you know that you are not alone. I have had the same thing for a couple of months now. It's horrible and it's really getting me down too. I keep telling myself it's 'just' anxiety but it is so hard. I hope you feel better soon x

worried in wales
17-02-14, 14:46
Hi - I really sympathise with you all. I have the same problem, a constant vibrating tremble in my arms and body. It is worse while I rest and improves when I move around. My GP says it is a common sympton of anxiety but has refered me to a Neurologist. It is hard dealing with these symptons and I send you all best wishes

18-02-14, 08:08
Hi again all - well I really seem to be slipping down a very very slippery slope - I know that I need to be trying to calm down but as hard as I try I have this constant shaky feeling keep going hot and sweaty and it is almost constant to the point that I am not sleeping properly now either ........I think I need some form of medication to calm myself down but don't want to go down this road.

I have just taken on a new job that I love and am scared too that I am going to have to stop doing it because I am ill - everything seems such a waste of time ..... I have three wonderful little boys who I am scared of hurting - my husband doesn't want to be with me anymore and says things are not right and will never be I do t think because I feel he doesn't really understand the things I moan about - sorry just waffling.

We have been through so much as a couple - I had breast cancer six years ago which has affected my life in that put me into an early menopause which has affected our relationship and he says he may wander - how do I put all of that behind me ........ I find him irritating that he prefers being in pub having a drink to being with me and ultimately I would walk away but cannot face hurting my children ...... And I wonder why I am stressed out x

18-02-14, 08:43
Shaznog, I'm sorry your feeling this way. You have been through a lot, not only must it have taken its toll on your body, its not unexpected that it's affected you psychologically. Plus, having to run a house and three kids is a big weight. You MUST look after yourself. Taking half an hour a day for you if vital. Do some meditating, mindfulness, take a long soak, anything that will help you to relax. I'll PM you later.

18-02-14, 16:59
Look how much stress you are under, just read back what you have written. It really is no wonder you feel the way you do. I know first hand how hard it is doing all those things. Difference is I am actually in my own with my kids. But sounds like you may as well be as sounds like you do most stuff. Really you need to try and be less hard on yourself. Get some strength up.

I started getting this shaking lately. I've been under a massive amount of stress and this is how my anxiety has shifted. As soon as anything remotely stressful comes along I start internally shaking. There's a guy I started to like and my body starts shaking as soon as I see him. This is a positive stress but my body can't differentiate. And that then in turn makes me anxious as I don't know how to stop this. My body feels confused!

18-02-14, 19:04
I sometimes get a sort of shaky feeling inside. If I also feel cold I know I need to eat more food.