View Full Version : Flushed cheeks

15-02-14, 13:19
huh, I have started getting very flushed hot cheeks without sweating. Seemed to start last nite after having a hot bath but has continued all day today.

I have been having headaches and lightheadedness lately and have been worrying about Brain Tumours.

Anyone else had this flushed hot feeling and look?

Additional info:

1 week into to re-starting Amitriptyline but 20 mg not the 10 mg that I have taken previously.

15-02-14, 14:59
I've never heard of flushed cheeks being a symptom of that before.

It's good that you mentioned the medication, I know I've had similar temperature changes when starting/upping my dose.

15-02-14, 15:08
Anxiety gives me really bad flushed cheeks.

15-02-14, 15:35
Just a thought, could it be windburn? its on my cheeks and neck only but the skin feels sore also. I have been out and about cycling.

15-02-14, 15:48
Most probably, it is fairly windy and cold :)

15-02-14, 15:59
It's crazy what an anxious mind can dream up isnt it, I had myself thinking I had a brain tumor which had spread/invaded the part of the brain which controls heat and or had dumped hormones into my blood making me get hot flushes.

bit of a leap. :blush:

15-02-14, 16:49
Don't worry I've thought similar things!

I thought I had the same as you which had spread to my spine and my liver because I had a couple of spots :roflmao: