View Full Version : Need a scan, can't cope

15-02-14, 14:18
I've taken the decision to go private for an MRI scan. My body and mind are in tatters at the moment because of all my symptoms and I can't move forward till I've had a scan that can rule out my biggest fears. I've read too many horror stories about misdiagnosis and they all seemed to suffer similar sensations and treatment from doctors as me. I'm wondering if anyone else has gone private for an MRI scan? I'm going to have to get a referral from my GP which im slightly unsure about as I don't know if he'll give me one but I'm hoping if I go in and I'm honest about how much things are affecting me that he will give it the green light. I can't move forward till I've been scanned to see what's wrong

15-02-14, 14:24
What are you getting scanned and why?

15-02-14, 14:30
I'm getting a brain MRI as I have suffered awful symptoms from December till now. I've had headaches, dizziness, tingling, burning/cold sensations, stabbing pains in head and joints, twitching, unsteady on feet, sickness, nausea, itchiness, weakness, tiredness, feeling ill, eye floaters, ear pains, facial pain, throat tightness the list goes on and on. They are 24/7 and non stop, I'm convinced I have a brain tumour or MS. I've seen about 16 doctors and not one will send me for a scan despite my worsening condition, I've had blood tests, chest x rays, optic nerve exams, neurological exams which were all okay but things are just getting worse, I can't move forward till I've has a scan, I know something isn't right with me and I'm frightened

15-02-14, 14:31
Will you believe the MRI, or will you question its efficacy too?

15-02-14, 14:31
I will believe the MRI

15-02-14, 14:33
Mr Dave, sixteen doctors have given you the all clear. Celebrate that. You are healthy. Rejoice that news and be happy. If even one of those sixteen doctors had thought you had a brain tumor, they would have ordered a scan. If sixteen doctors can't reassure you, neither can one scan.

What are you doing to treat your anxiety and to recover!

---------- Post added at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

Not to mention a doctor will need to interpret the Scan results.

15-02-14, 14:35
I have all these symptoms as well. I really think most are do to anxiety and age. If the scan will help you go for it.

15-02-14, 14:36
The scan will reassure me. I am having CBT I am on trazadone, I listen to relaxation tapes, I do breathing exercises, nothing is helping. The symptoms are getting worse. Today I feel like rain droplets keep falling on my skin and I have pains everywhere. I'm treating anxiety which isn't helping suggesting that it's not anxiety I'm dealing with

---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

I'm only 21 though and normally fit and healthy

15-02-14, 14:40
I didn't realize you have been to the doctor several times. In that case I agree with tanner. You will think they missed something on the scan. You need to treat the anxiety.

15-02-14, 14:42
IF/WHEN the scan comes back clear--- what would be your next course of action? Supposing it does come back clear (and I am sure it will) what more can you do to try to address the "nervous illness" you have? I am not familiar with Trazodone……, but has your doctor suggested an SSRI?

I was at such a crisis state when I started this journey that I don't know that I could have gotten on an even playing field to fight the battle without the help of an SSRI.

15-02-14, 14:45

I am willing to bet you 100 quid that your MRI will show all clear. Accept or reject? :)

15-02-14, 14:47
True acceptance would be my next course of action and possibly a change from
trazadone (a mild SSRI) to something slightly stronger. I was on fluoxetine but I didn't like what it was doing to me or how it was making me feel. I have also recently discovered I have Wolff-Parkinson White, a heart condition and spent 3 nights in Hospital being monitored. I am fitted with a monitor and awaiting further tests to determine whether I may need surgery or not.

---------- Post added at 14:47 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------


15-02-14, 14:48
I had a scan and i am still not satisfied,As soon as my scan came back clear i thought i had something else ,Some people do get better after a scan thou depends so do have 1 if you think it will help.
But just remember anxiety is very powerful stay strong :)

15-02-14, 14:51
Excellent. :)

15-02-14, 17:09
You sound a lot like me (and a lot of others on here) it's awful isn't it! I'm always on edge waiting to see how the day will pan out symptom wise and can't believe that anxiety can cause this much pain/weird feelings despite what the docs say! Have you told the doctors you suffer from HA and explained your fears and that you know it's irrational etc but that you're still scared? I really think it helps if they know you are aware of your problems as they are less dismissive and more understanding and you can even have a little laugh about it :) As for MRI, I totally understand where you're coming from as I've considered this route myself just so I can stop worrying and start addressing it! But think there are there own risks there and that's why they don't let just anybody have them, maybe a different type of scan less major would be just as good? I know it goes against everything CBT teaches us but you are clearly getting no quality of life with worrying so much so :) But just be aware as others have said you most likely will just move onto something else afterwards! But wishing you the best whatever you decide and big hugs! :hugs:p.s I've just completed a course of CBT to and been having it since younger for OCD but didn't stop the panic attacks/symptoms etc so don't worry it's not anxiety related just because you've had that and it's not gone away! Rarely cures just helps deal a bit better...apparently :blush:

15-02-14, 20:29
Dave, you just have to make sure you really treat the anxiety... I have had 2 MRI scans now and I still have anxiety... You will feel great for the day when you get the all clear but it was sticking to my CBT which made the difference with me.
Yes I'm having a relapse now but it's the anxiety causing this and nothing else...

15-02-14, 20:47
It's not as simple as just getting the all clear, I'm not doing this believing it's anxiety I think it's something much worse. My whole body feels uncoordinated and every thing, hurts or tingles. I feel so off, I know there's something more going on

15-02-14, 21:01
I had a private brain MRI scan too a few years back. Best thing I did. That, along with CBT. If I hadn't have had the CBT, I probably would have wanted a scan every year!

15-02-14, 21:06
Dave, I went through from November 2012- May 2013 thinking I was going to die every day... I had dizziness, I had sickness I had pains I kept getting dimmed vision I honestly thought the end was neigh.... I would move from my bed to the sofa and feel exhausted I would get up to put the kettle on and give up half way to the kettle... I lost 2 stone! Honestly I was a state and with CBT I came through to the over side! I was convinced I had a brain tumour or MS but I haven't... I felt exactly the same as you and it was hell on earth!

You will get there I promise and hopefully be offering the advice you've learned to others....

15-02-14, 21:29
Dave, I paid for a private MRI. worth every penny, for peace of mind. Before christmas

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

If you go private you should receive a cd with the pictures on it.

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

I accepted it. :)

15-02-14, 21:43
I had all those symptoms back I'm 2009 and and an MRI and I have to say it was the best thing for me. I was so worried I had a tumour and it was the only thing that solved it for me. I was able to move on. It turned out to be chronic sinus pain which i still have. Problem is, I'm right back there now with a new worry, this time over neck pain and again I want an MRI.
The GP advised me it was not going to show anything with my head but was ok referring me. When it came back clear it was a big relief.

15-02-14, 21:52
I took a look back over the last month and you've been examined numerous times, had blood work done, neurological exams and most recently were in the hospital. They most certainly would have picked up on "something" that would indicate a serious condition like a brain tumor. As it is, they've picked up on a minor heart issue that definitely accounts for a few of the symptoms you've had.

As indicated in the responses and as I've seen here on the boards, several have paid good money for reassurance only to have something else take it's place at some point in time. Unless you treat the real culprit here, I'm afraid you'll be chasing your tail and when you catch it, I think you'll find it's only a tail.

I'd like in on Andrash's bet as well... That's a pretty sure one IMO ;)
I do hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

15-02-14, 21:57
I can totally understand and respect your decision to get a MRI, I was at a stage when I was going to request one a couple of months ago. But instead, I decided to stop worrying and see how I felt in a week whilst carrying on doing normal things, I listened to my psychiatrist as well regarding not seeking reasurrance, which is essentially what the MRI is, it's reassurance in the highest form. Guess what? I've got better, and I'm treating the problem I know I have, which is anxiety.

I still get the odd wobble and think maybe I'm living a lie, but this is when I introduce a little rationality.

Read the quote below.

Your going to be fine Dave :hugs:

16-02-14, 00:36
I appreciate the opinions and support, I have never experienced symptoms from anxiety before and the extent of my symptoms make it impossibly for me to believe this is anxiety without ruling out brain tumours and MS, my 2 biggest fear. I really don't think that the MRI will be clear as I've felt so strange for a long time but if it is I will accept that anxiety can cause these horrible symptoms. I am treating the anxiety with meds and CBT but it's not stopping the sensations, pains or thoughts at the momenta

I was just on another forum where I saw a guy who's worst fears came true after he was repeatedly misdiagnosed and overlooked by doctors, I'm not saying this is going to happen to me too but I do feel some of my symptoms are too extreme to attribute solely to anxiety and stress.

16-02-14, 01:12
I've been wondering what should I write in this post and whether I should write anything at all.

I understand your decision, because I was there a year ago. I had strange symptoms and headaches, I wanted a reassurance because I was going to move to another country. Even though I got better by the time I had the MRI scan I felt something was wrong. It was, but on that evening MS diagnosis was a relief for me.

I don't want to encourage people who have HA to have MRIs of every part of their bodies that hurts. However, from my experience I can say that my own body 'was telling me' that something was wrong and it was a completely different feeling than HA fears before and after. I don't know whether your feelings are similar or not, but if CBT and meds don't help, maybe a reassurance will.

hope it will be clear

16-02-14, 01:18
Thanks Alex, I'm quite frightened after reading your post as helpful as it was as I know fine well that my symptoms are too severe to be anxiety alone and that something more will be found. I'm really petrified but as you say, my body and mind are both telling me that something more is wrong with me :( I'm just dreading the results but I know checks have to be done to get to the bottom of things

I am entirely convinced that I have MS or a brain tumour,

16-02-14, 01:47
Dave, nothing will be found. You are suffering from severe anxiety, and that alone and the quicker you can accept this the quicker you can get on the road to recovery. As I have posted before, I too have had most of your symptoms but feel no need for a scan as I accept that I suffer from fibro/anxiety and you only need to read many of the threads here to see the symptoms you have go hand in hand with anxiety. Let's look at it from a different angle ( I will use my profession as a comparison). In your case there are 17 doctors, 16 highly trained ones that have looked at you and 1 non trained (you). Now if I have 16 highly trained electricians and 1 with no training and introduce a fault to an electrical circuit (your body) and ask these guys to find it they will use their skills and test equipment (blood works, tests etc in your case) and interpret the results.I will guarantee that the 16 of them will find the fault but the 1 non trained won't as he can't interpret the results or rationally explain them. So Dave look at it mate, there's no way 16 highly trained doctors can get it wrong, there is no odds on this earth that this could happen. Break the vicious circle and accept and you will enter into a whole new chapter. If you can't accept 16 doctors diagnosis with all the tests that have been carried out I doubt a scan will ease your mind as you will then fixate on perhaps the machine is wrong, maybe the doctor who looked at the scan missed something etc etc. Dave you can and will beat this but the first step is acceptance, acceptance it's anxiety, don't keep saying "I have too many symptoms" I and many more on this forum have many many symptoms too. Wake up tomorrow and say " ok I have anxiety" when you get the strange feelings " ok it's only anxiety" and watch the symptoms slowly ease away. Sounds simple I know, and by god I wish it was, but try to start and take small steps, may be a long road but the rainbow is at the end of that road.


16-02-14, 02:02
Yes that may be but he also has been told he has a heart condition. Therefore, it is impossible for you or any one of us on and reading these forums to interpret exactly what he is suffering from. None of us know him, we are all simply typing sentences into a computer. Isn't it amazing how that makes us think we know someone!

16-02-14, 02:15
LucyR, I'm not trying to say I do know him, I'm only trying to use some common sense. I am not trying to offend Dave, I realize this is a horrible affliction as I suffer from it myself although not to the same extent and perhaps I am not fully understanding his position and if so I apologize, but if you can't accept 16 different doctors diagnosis are you going to accept a scan? Doubtful. My reply was my opinion of the situation and again I apologize Dave if I am not fully understanding your predicament, but I believe (my opinion) that if you could accept the doctors diagnosis that there is nothing life threatening happening here and accept that anxiety gives us multiple strange and horrible symptoms you may start the road to recovery very very soon.


16-02-14, 03:09
he also has been told he has a heart condition....

Dave's condition, as he told us is Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. It's actually a rather common heart condition that typically first shows itself to people in their teens to their early 20's. It's like an extra electrical cord sending juice to the heart that causes palpitations, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting and anxiety. Most of these symptoms Dave has spoken of. Add to that anxiety and those symptoms are exasperated. Wolff-Parkinsin-White syndrome if very treatable and with a minor surgical procedure, it can be corrected which would eliminate some of the symptoms you currently have Dave. Drug therapy can also be quite effective but the determination will be made after they view all the results from your tests and the holster monitoring you're now doing. Best wishes...you're going to be fine :)

It would make sense that some of the dizziness and head symptoms along with being really ramped up on adrenalin from everything going on would lead one down the spiral of the brain tumor/MS fears he's expressing. The likelihood that this is true based on age and the prior history that's been shared, the number of doctors exams and tests make this very highly unlikely. If indeed the doctors really felt there was a plausible reason to do the scan, they would have ordered one.

There comes a time when you have to trust your doctors. I'm in such a situation. I have a team of doctors at Johns Hopkins. A speech/language pathologist that examines me to see how my swallowing is working. She determines just how much treatment has affected my eating and speaking ability. Takes live videos with a scope down my throat of how well my epiglottis, tongue and other throat parts function. I have a Medical Oncologist, Dr, Christine Chung who prescribed and oversaw my chemotherapy. She addressed any and all physical issues due to that as well as my heart and general physcal well being. On top of being absolutely brilliant, she really easy on the eyes and has an awesome accent :D I have a Radiation Oncologist, Dr Harry Quon who planned and oversaw the radiation therapy (Tomotherapy). The man is brilliant and scary smart. He'll be doing the scope poke and prod Tuesday. I also have an ENT/Surgeon, Dr. Jeremy Richmon who did my surgeries using the DaVinci robot. The entire team are some of the very best (top 10) in the country in their fields.

So, 12 weeks after my treatment ended, I was scheduled for a PET scan to see if there was any cancer left. All was clear. I was then told that would be the last scan I'd be getting! I was a bit taken back by that as I've known many others from the cancer forums I visit that got regular CAT and PET scans. I mean, how else will they know if a spot shows up on my liver or kidneys or lungs? They confidently told me that it wouldn't be necessary as they would be able to see if anything was amiss through the scope, poke and prod. I'll get a chest x-ray once a year and that's it. If I find I'm getting some unusual symptoms, bring them up and they'll address them. It made me a bit nervous but this team of doctors are some of the brightest and best in the US and saved my life. I have to trust they're doing the proper things for follow up protocol. I could certainly insist to get a PET scan but honestly, there's no reason to. If they see or feel something out of line, they'll order it. Until then I'm riding their bus and will get off at the stops they tell me too ;)

That long story is to make a point. Dave, if indeed your doctors really felt or saw something that was amiss, they would order a scan. There's nothing that points them in that direction. Yes, people are misdiagnosed for serious diseases. It happens but it's very rare and always makes the news to scare the bejeebers out of people and torment the souls of HA sufferers. The other side of the coin is the vast majority are diagnosed with what they're actually suffering from. I believe, based on what you've told us, you were.

You'll make your decision and get the scan and it will become part of the journey you're on to healing. Bottom line is it's you're quest to find the Holy Grail.... i.e. what's really wrong. I believe you'll find it and it'll be a cup of anxiety with a few niggly physical things to make it more interesting. My gut tells me you'll be fine, find a comfortable way to address your anxiety and get yourself on the road to recovery.

Best wishes and positive thoughts

16-02-14, 03:14
I did read quite recently that a young girl died of a serious condition after being back and forth to doctors for several months with a host of symptoms that the doctors also put down to psychological causes. The girl died one day before she could get treated. They said had she been diagnosed earlier she would likely have lived.

16-02-14, 10:29
I did read quite recently that a young girl died of a serious condition after being back and forth to doctors for several months with a host of symptoms that the doctors also put down to psychological causes. The girl died one day before she could get treated. They said had she been diagnosed earlier she would likely have lived.

Don't take this the wrong way Lucy but this post that I quoted really shouldn't of been added in, for the sake of many sufferers on their many roads to recovery it doesn't help with anything except compound fears and cause them.

16-02-14, 10:35
Don't take this the wrong way Lucy but this post that I quoted really shouldn't of been added in, for the sake of many sufferers on their many roads to recovery it doesn't help with anything except compound fears and cause them.

Exactly. Gutter press like Daily Fail never care to report about BILLIONS of successes that doctor and medicine make, but they enjoy scaring people silly with reporting about events that happen once in God knows how many similar cases, who were spotted and treated successfully.

Just ask yourself a simple question: when you're ill, would you rather be treated by a doctor or by an investigating journalist?

16-02-14, 10:46
Exactly. Gutter press like Daily Fail never care to report about BILLIONS of successes that doctor and medicine make, but they enjoy scaring people silly with reporting about events that happen once in God knows how many similar cases, who were spotted and treated successfully.

Just ask yourself a simple question: when you're ill, would you rather be treated by a doctor or by an investigating journalist?

I wouldn't be surprised if they got paid by private healthcare companies to spread some of the crazy stories they do, the stories I read on their sports page are just as bad as well :lac:

Dave - I hope your feeling better today, don't wallow in your fears and try and do something productive.

16-02-14, 11:45
Thanks so much for the supportive comments guys, they've made me feel a lot better this morning and I really appreciate the time taken to give them. Following on from Fishmanpa's comments relating to Wolff Parkinson White, I agree. Its something I've had since birth and was an incidental finding, I'm trying not to worry about that too much as they did a heart echo which was 'very reassuring' and I'm scheduled to see a top heart specialist in a month for further tests.

My other symptoms have been bizarre and although I'd like to accept them as anxiety and I agree with many of the points people have made I really don't feel I can till a scan has been done. A voice in my head told me it was a BT a while ago and I know deep down something's not right. I have a tattoo with the meaning 'know thyself' and this time I just know I need a scan to move forward. I understand it's irrational not to believe so many doctors but I need to trust my gut and go ahead with this in order to move forward. My symptoms have been so wide spread that I'm hoping they're anxiety as brain tumours and MS don't seem to produce quite as many but as I've said I really feel I need a scan. I'm going to my GP this week and asking for a referral to get one scheduled ASAP and I am genuinely scared.

If I was helping someone who thought they were ill after seeing 16 doctors id be exactly the same as you guys but sometimes it's a subjective thing and when you're feeling the sensations and symptoms yourself the rational part of your mind becomes difficult to listen to and you just have to know for sure what's going on.

16-02-14, 11:50

Hope you feeling better this morning and you can have a chilled Sunday.


You are a very intelligent and thoughtful young woman for your years and I hope you are rewarded for your kindness with better health than you have had over the past wee while. You have many many fun filled years ahead of you and hope you can start enjoying them very very soon.


16-02-14, 11:55

You are a very intelligent and thoughtful young woman for your years and I hope you are rewarded for your kindness with better health than you have had over the past wee while. You have many many fun filled years ahead of you and hope you can start enjoying them very very soon.


Thank you Barry, I'm starting to think I need to change my name though! :doh::roflmao:

16-02-14, 11:55
Exactly. Gutter press like Daily Fail never care to report about BILLIONS of successes that doctor and medicine make, but they enjoy scaring people silly with reporting about events that happen once in God knows how many similar cases, who were spotted and treated successfully.

Just ask yourself a simple question: when you're ill, would you rather be treated by a doctor or by an investigating journalist?

Daily Mail is one of the best newspapers out there.

16-02-14, 12:09
Lucy- as a journalism student I am aware that the DailyMail specialises in scaremongering and sensationalism however each to their own. There are many, many cases of repeated repeated misdiagnosis out there and reading them is one of the main reasons I have decided to get a private MRI

16-02-14, 12:10
My apoligizes Luna, I did type man but for some reason if I don't check my posts or messages I send from iPad it likes to change words to whatever it sees fit, I done this the other day when emailing a business associate - I had no reception on phone when he was trying to call me earlier so emailed him later in day explaining that "I had no reception", when he called later in fits of laughter I read email back that I had sent and it had changed to "I had no erection"!!!! Still laughter is good and hope it makes a few smile this morning at my embarrassing mistakes. My friend Marco has a son called Luna, didn't think I would meet another but perhaps the name is more common than I thought. Hope you can forgive me and I will double check my posts before hitting button in future, 2 embarrassing episodes in 3 days, they say it comes in threes (maybe forget going into office today :D )


16-02-14, 13:00
I am not trying to scare anybody, I just think you are right in pursuing the tests you feel you need and rightly deserve to get to the bottom of it hopefully.

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 ----------

Don't take this the wrong way Lucy but this post that I quoted really shouldn't of been added in, for the sake of many sufferers on their many roads to recovery it doesn't help with anything except compound fears and cause them.

I was only pointing out that Dave is correct in trying to get to the bottom of his problems. Just let him go with how he feels and get it sorted out, everything cannot be put down to anxiety, it causes anxiety, physical symptoms cause us to be anxious.

16-02-14, 13:39
Does anyone know how much it costs for a private MRI brain scan?

16-02-14, 13:53
Does anyone know how much it costs for a private MRI brain scan?

Having had a few of these I can tell you generally that the average cost (in the US) of a MRI with contrast (which is needed for a brain scan) is about $2500. A PET scan is nearly double that and a CAT scan is roughly half. When I looked at the bills from the hospital it was shocking to see the actual charges before insurance.

Positive thoughts

16-02-14, 13:56
I've enquired in my local area and the price is £370

16-02-14, 14:33
I am not trying to scare anybody, I just think you are right in pursuing the tests you feel you need and rightly deserve to get to the bottom of it hopefully.

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 ----------

I was only pointing out that Dave is correct in trying to get to the bottom of his problems. Just let him go with how he feels and get it sorted out, everything cannot be put down to anxiety, it causes anxiety, physical symptoms cause us to be anxious.

Yes that is a good point but it is fact that anxiety causes small things that are NOT life threatening to become out of control to the point you think you will die the next day that's the power of it.
Its a well know fact that stress it self causes pain as well and stress=pain=anxiety=more pain

The story's i have read where people get stressed over a death or just to much then end up getting physical symptoms is so very common.

By all means if you feel the need for a scan then that is a good idea but when it comes back clear the thing you have to remember is to start thinking more positive. Its very hard to do even i am struggling.

What i am trying to focus on my self is trigger points i was surprised how many had occurred,Even reading negative comments does make me feel worse that's part of the condition.

16-02-14, 14:53
Dave, BMI healthcare charged me £250. No injection. And came away with CD of images.

16-02-14, 15:14
For those who did get private MRIs were your symptoms similar to mine and how long did it take for results? I'm very nervous

16-02-14, 15:24
For those who did get private MRIs were your symptoms similar to mine and how long did it take for results? I'm very nervous
Depends where you go but some places are same day results.

16-02-14, 15:35
I should think if you have paid for it you should have the results straight away.
I had a MRI spine scan Dec 19th last year NHS and not had the results back yet.
My GP has been in touch with the hospital about it with no joy.
The hospital said if it was urgent I would have known straight away.
Maybe there is nothing wrong with me after all xx

16-02-14, 16:21
I was only pointing out that Dave is correct in trying to get to the bottom of his problems.

And I understand that you may feel that way, but it's not something you can say to be true. It's an anxiety myth that certainty--"the bottom of his problems"--is necessary, let alone possible. The challenge of anxiety is learning to live with lack of certainty and control, and accepting that no answer is itself an answer.

It's like telling agoraphobia sufferers to remember that sometimes bad things can happen to them when they go out. It's true, but it's not the whole story; it misrepresents the risk by suggesting that their anxiety behavior doesn't have any risk in its own right. People with health anxiety can lose years of their lives chasing after answers that don't exist, sacrificing relationships and careers to feed their anxiety, and exposing themselves to more risk of contagion and discovery of harmless incidentalomas as a result of their hyperengagement with medical facilities, and that's the likelier risk for most people here than the one you allude to.

16-02-14, 16:25
I understand both sides of the argument but my symptoms are extreme at the moment and I really want a scan, the fact that my blackout wasn't linked to my heart further backs this point up: today when walking around I feel extremely off balance and unsteady on my feet, my foot has been twitching all day and I have generally felt off for so long now I need a scan to see what's wrong or to make me believe this is all anxiety

16-02-14, 16:49
I went through the same thing 18 months ago, I paid privately for 2 scans the GP told me I was wasting my money but I went for it anyway. Neither showed any abnormalities and I did feel a bit of an idiot when I saw my doctor again. I was reassured for a few weeks but then went straight onto the next thing. I think that if your GP was concerned about your symptoms they would book you in for a scan asap. I am not going to say you shouldn't go for it though, as I have done exactly the same thing .

16-02-14, 20:54
You had headaches, itchiness, joint pain, dizziness, off balance etc? I want a scan as I just know something's not right and nothing can change my mind on that I'm just hoping they agree to a referral. Did your symptoms settle down after the clear scan?

16-02-14, 20:59
Not sure if reply was for me but yes I had some of those symptoms, my symptoms did eventually settle down, but like I mentioned in my last post, I then started on a whole load of new symptoms and paid for another private scan of a different area. My GP was not happy about referring me but he did it anyway.

16-02-14, 21:14
Sorry, yes the reply was for you. I just can't believe all these symptoms can be anxiety I'm
In constant pain or discomfort 24/7. I really think that a scan will find a problem or help me find acceptance

16-02-14, 21:37
Dave, I was having constant headaches (every day, the whole day) for over two months and I had been convinced I had a brain tumour at some point.

<I'm emphasising that I'm talking about headache, which has nothing to do with my MS because it's not an MS symptom>

Now I know it had been triggered by stress and then I got anxious because I had long-lasting headaches, so subsequent ones were caused by anxiety. However, as I mentioned in my earlier post, MRI gave me reassurance... about the fact there's no tumour, at least. So I understand you very well, I know the feeling.

16-02-14, 23:45
I don't think a particular scan is a terrible thing to get, and in the US whether you get one or not depends as much on what doctor you see as what you present with.

But don't let the search for certainty run your life. A lot of people here thought scans would be good enough to make them certain and found they weren't; ultimately your peace of mind is going to have to come from you.

16-02-14, 23:56
I don't think a particular scan is a terrible thing to get, and in the US whether you get one or not depends as much on what doctor you see as what you present with.

But don't let the search for certainty run your life. A lot of people here thought scans would be good enough to make them certain and found they weren't; ultimately your peace of mind is going to have to come from you.

Wonderfully put. I've yet to see one's worst fears be the reality and those very few that actually materialized overcame their HA and came out stronger.

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 00:39
I agree but it's my symptoms I can't accept, tonight the facial rash has returned and I feel dreadful, the hospital took blood last Sunday when I was in and said that they would test for more unusual things when I mentioned my rash and joint pain, I'm yet to hear anything back and don't know what to do in regards to receiving my results. The rash is only on my face but I ache everywhere and it looks like an allergy or lupus type rash, I don't know what tests the doctors ran or why I haven't heard back yet

17-02-14, 01:13
What does your rash look like, mrdave?

I support your decision to get a scan, by the way. Your MRI will probably be normal, but it's good to rule out any possibilities. It strikes me as odd that your symptoms are so constant. It's my understanding that anxiety symptoms usually come and go. I'm certainly not saying that your problem isn't anxiety, but getting can MRI just to be sure is a good idea.

17-02-14, 01:16
I'm not sure how to upload a picture but it varies, essentially it's red blotches affecting my face, they mainly cover my cheeks and nose although on occasion it stretches to my forehead and down my neck, no other part of my body is affected. The rash was terrible when I went into hospital, so much so that they commented on it and put it down in their notes. I don't know what the blood test was for but it's been a week and I've heard nothing back and not sure what to do

My symptoms do come and go but I'm always suffering from a symptom if that makes sense. It could be a pain, then a cold drop then an itch, then a head pain. They don't all happen at once but I'm in constant discomfort because of them

17-02-14, 01:30
I'm not sure how to upload a picture but it varies, essentially it's red blotches affecting my face, they mainly cover my cheeks and nose although on occasion it stretches to my forehead and down my neck, no other part of my body is affected. The rash was terrible when I went into hospital, so much so that they commented on it and put it down in their notes. I don't know what the blood test was for but it's been a week and I've heard nothing back and not sure what to do

My symptoms do come and go but I'm always suffering from a symptom if that makes sense. It could be a pain, then a cold drop then an itch, then a head pain. They don't all happen at once but I'm in constant discomfort because of them

I see. That makes me think that it probably is anxiety, but you should still get the scan to make sure.

Could you tell me exactly what the doctors have told you? Have they given you any advice on how to get better? Did any of them ever say that they had seen a case similar to yours that got better when their anxiety went away?

17-02-14, 08:06
If you're like me and it sounds like you are, you'll think they've missed something in the MRI ..... and that will concern you, you'll goggle, misdiagnosis on MRI ... or read about how people's brain tumors weren't found first time around.... we've all done it ... I think it's great you're getting an MRI, I wish I had the guts to get one done, I"ve had my symptoms for years, so I figure Id know by now ;) The rain drops on head can be many things you realise, I've had that one my leg, kept thinking it was wet, and wiping it away, anxiety causes every symptom under the sun as its' our nervous symptoms that are out of whack and well the nervous system controls EVERYTHING ..... 16 Dr's is a lot and believe me Dr's don't want to be wrong bout something as serious as cancer .... get the scan but once you've had it - DON'T GOOGLE.

AFTER reading more posts, I also believe you, I think if this scan is clear you may very well believe it.
Can I just add, my symptoms for anxiety are everything!

ringing in ears, off balance, weird adrenalin rushes in my head, hearing gunshots when falling asleep, night terrors, aches all over my body, ear pain, foggy feeling, hot flushes, heart palpatations, feeling weird like i'm on drugs, twitching ... everything and I've had so many blood tests done - no major tests done though, but I also think if you FEEL OFF you should go get it looked at - it's just knowing when you're anxiety is taking over you, one of the worst things for me with anxiety is not knowing if my symptoms are anxiety or something else!!!

Who would know - as anxiety symptoms could be anything!!

good luck ... and good on you..... you're very brave.

17-02-14, 16:58
I had a brain scan and guess what it was clear and a few months later came off my antidepressants and felt fine until lately mu headaches are taking over my life again and now I'm thinking maybe they missed something in my scan, don't you just love it. This health anxiety is a complete joke. Go get your scan, my neurologist gave into me when I said I actually could not sleep at night and it was making me sick, all true by the way. He did it for my sanity. Make sure you get that dye put in you too that shows up everything nice and clear. I didn't let them put that in me as I was afraid of everything at the time and I thought that would kill me too lol. Well now my excuse is well they didnt get a good enough pic as I didnt use the dye so they may have missed something. Ridiculous thought process. I'd bet money that you are perfectly healthy but I understand you needing the scan to get rid of your fears.
Best of Luck x

17-02-14, 17:39
But once you start getting into "make sure you get dye," you're talking about a fairly significant intervention that's not something you want to do just for peace of mind in the absence of medically significant (things the doctors consider significant, not just things that make a person anxious) symptoms.

Even if they don't make us anxious, the things people do to hunt for certainty have risk as well.

17-02-14, 19:52
i understand the risks involved with dyes and MRI scans but i feel that i need a scan as i can't rest with all the symptoms i have at the moment, today i feel so unbalanced like the floors moving around beneath me. my doctor said last month that it would be irresponsible for her to send me for a scan as they can emit harmful radiation and they only reassure anxious people for 6 months on average. things have progressed since then, particularly with my blackout, and i can't relax until i've been scanned as i just feel within my gut that something's wrong with me. i don't know how to react if the doctor doesn't agree to a referral, it will be really tough to accept.