View Full Version : Worried over hospital appointment

15-02-14, 15:07
I am having an ultra scan on my breast, my doctor hasnt found anything but he wants me to go for reassurance as I have bad health anxiety.

I got my hospital appoint through the post and the forms have scared me
Nothing mentions an actual scan, I am seeing an consultant surgeon and then theres a whole page on if i need surgery more tests or blood tests.
Is this normal with a scan for the breasts? all I keep thinking now is if I need a op and its all pretty scary. I thought it would just tell me I'm seeing a nurse who will scan me not a consultant surgeon :(
I am 25 and healthy other wise (except ibs) I am just so so scared esp after watching eastenders recently. :weep:

15-02-14, 21:20
Breast cancer would be unlikely at your age; clearly your doctor doesn't think you have it, but is simply being cautious.
That said, breast cancer is a very common cancer, and you and I may both get it sooner or later. But it is highly unlikely you have it now, due to your age.
I don't know how else to reassure you, because in your shoes I would be terrified as well, and nothing anyone said would help.
There's nothing for it but to get through it, and then you'll know, and think of how relieved you'll be.
Just hold onto that thought. Don't think about "What if I have it?"
Think about how you'll treat yourself to something special to celebrate the good news that you don't have it, when that news comes. Because I believe it will.
In the meantime, I am sorry this is so hard. :(

15-02-14, 21:41
Don't worry about the forms they are just routine. When you are referred to hospital for anything it is usually through a consultant. I am sure everything will be fine. You are going for reassurance and you need to tell yourself that.

16-02-14, 13:21
Thank you GlassPinata and Annie.
I am going to try and stay positive about my appointment which is this week.
I cant help the nerves tho thats just the way I am its the whole going to a hospital thing thats scaring me.
I'm already thinking about my reward for me going :)