View Full Version : Hello.

15-02-14, 19:54
I am a 41 year old mom of three.
I am suffering from major, major health anxiety lately.
I've always had it, even as a child.
Through my 20s, I was uninsured and unable to go to the doctor, and I sort of learned to compartmentalize my fears, since I could not do anything about them (such as go to the doctor).
But since I became insured, I've started visiting the doctor for every little worry. Weirdly, this does not really help. I often don't believe the doctor when he tells me nothing serious is wrong.
That is the case at the moment.
I also worry a lot about the health of my children; same deal. I don't believe the doctors when they tell me everything is fine.
I've read too many stories on the internet about doctors missing something serious, until it was too late.

Currently, I am scarcely functioning. I spend a lot of my time googling symptoms and diseases, and obsessively checking weird bumps and other things on my body that worry me. When I am away from home and unable to do these things, I feel panicked. But when I sit at home and do them all day, I just feel depressed, and more sure than ever that I have a disease.

I joined this forum because I hope there are people out there who understand what I am going through. my family has given up on me, pretty much.
I need some place to vent and discuss my fears.

15-02-14, 21:58
I just wanted to say hello, and for you to feel comforted by writing to you. You are not alone you have support here. you've been suffering HA for a longtime, have faith and belief in yourself that after 20 years your still here, and that you are bigger than the HA fear. I couldn't even imagine what it's like not to able to see a doctor when needed (uk). So you should have some reassurance that now you can, you should, and you should mention your anxieties. Good luck xx

16-02-14, 15:39
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

16-02-14, 18:08
Hi :welcome: to the forum.