View Full Version : pins and needles feeling in hands

15-02-14, 20:21
Is this a side effect to the medication? because this is what I'm getting atm. It isn't that bad but a bit worrying.

15-02-14, 21:39
I'm not sure about the medication, however I once had similar and I was told it was nothing more than a pinched nerve. I was given some exercises and stretches to follow and that helped.

15-02-14, 22:59
Hi yeah I have this symptom alot mostly at bedtime dont why at night ,Im on meds but this happened before I was on meds anxiety arghhhh :mad:

16-02-14, 06:39
I don't know if it's the meds (I'm on day 11, first time ever) but pins and needles are definitely a symptom of anxiety and, you know what it's like, the more we focus on the symptom, the worse it becomes! I'm sure that's all it is but if you are really worried ask your GP or pharmacist. X