View Full Version : Still worried about stomach

15-02-14, 21:53
I posted last week but didn't get any replies ::weep: so hope I do now. Basically back in the summer I was under horrendous stress at work and ended up in A & E with chest pain. Spent time with ECG and given all clear. Not heart related. Starting getting nasty taste in mouth and indigestion. Dr dx with GERd and prescribed omneprazole. Still getting the reflux and stomach pain in centre of stomach. My midriff muscles hurt and I have pain under my right rib which bursts to press on it. My bowel movements have increased and gone from constipated to loose (sorry tmi). I ruined my families Xmas with my HA and now again on half term am too worried to enjoy it. I know I should go back to Drs for more tests but too scared to do so. If anyone else gas had similar worries that turned out ok please can u advise. Ps have long history of HA.