View Full Version : Burning skin/burning mouth

15-02-14, 23:29
Hi everyone,

I really just need some advice and support. It just seems like for the past month i've had one symptom after another.

First it started with bad digestion problems (those have mostly cleared up), then being really sensitive to sound, then insomnia, then a prickly burning feeling all over my body - and now I have this burning feeling on the tip of my tongue. It's this most recent problem that is causing me all this upset. Could these all be really caused by anxiety? I've been on 10mg citalopram again for 2 weeks now, it has helped the insomnia but this burning tongue has started and I just can't take my mind off it.

I'm feeling pretty helpless now. I'm scared to go back to my doctor with another symptom incase they see me as a time waster. I don't want to complain to my family or friends as i'm worried they'll get sick of me. I just wish there was an off switch to these symptoms just even for a bit.

Thank goodness for this place and all you guys


16-02-14, 05:39
I had a burning sensation under my skin, also my heart used to really pound hard in my chest.

Solution - eat some garlic. I discovered this by accident. I had been feeling much like you and my Dad suggested I take a garlic capsule (I don't remember why we had them in the house, but we did).

One hour later and my symptoms had gone.

You could be suffering with Candida yeast overgrowth.

These are the ones I have... http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=114&prodid=225&cid=22

Don't buy the odourless garlic, it's the smelly bit in the garlic that does the trick.

If you can't get to a Holland & Barrett store today go to your local supermarket and buy some garlic from the veg counter. I know it'll taste vile, but try and eat some.

I'd love to know how you get on and if it helps.

16-02-14, 15:46
Thanks for that shakey.

Are me and you the only ones with these symptoms? That makes me even more worried that others haven't said they get this too :(

16-02-14, 18:21
I don't know, I doubt it. A lot of women suffer with thrush in the "usual" places and from what I believe that itches and burns.

Does it feel like under your skin is hot? The garlic works wonderfully for me.

As a side effect; and as weird as it seems; if I take garlic it's like talking Valium, chills me out something rotten. It's lovely.

Try the garlic and get back to me.

16-02-14, 18:26
I have suffered with burning in mouth and tongue for bloomin ages!! I drives me mad, I don't know what causes it and my dentist and GP had no answers. Hope you are feeling better soon Conor, I am going to try the garlic capsules so thanks Shakey.

16-02-14, 18:51
Hey Alma. Are you on any anti-depressants? I've read that a low dose of amitryptiline has helped some people. I have noticed that when i'm feeling stressed, i realise my tongue is being forced up into the roof of my mouth - when i notice it I try and relax it. I'm thinking it might be the force of me pushing my tongue up into mouth that makes both sore. But i'm not sure.

16-02-14, 18:54
I not on antidepressants but I do take pregabalin for anxiety. I have tried amitryptiline in the past for anxiety but could not get on with them. I have noticed pushing my tongue onto the roof of my mouth is something I am always doing along with clenching my teeth. Definitely think this could contribute to a sore mouth!

16-02-14, 18:56
So you've had this constantly? It never goes, even when you are relaxed mate? Starting to panic about it now.

16-02-14, 19:04
It comes and goes but it is worse at night and when I am stressed. I have had it on and off for a long time. I did go to my GP with burning skin on arms a few years ago and she said it was stress. I am sitting here quite relaxed at the moment and the roof of my mouth is burning so it's a mystery to me what is going on. I did go numerous times to my dentist and he did not seem at all concerned but told me not to use alcohol based mouth washes.

16-02-14, 19:10
It's all a mystery this anxiety lark mate. Over the past 6 months i've had so many different symptoms. i get rid of or get used to one and then another comes along. this burning tongue thing is the latest one to hit me. I have been feeling extremely stressed the past month or so - so i guess this is my mouths way of reflecting that. It sounds like i'm just going to have to get used to it and try not to get freaked out by it. Easier said than done i guess. I've heard it can disappear just like it appeared.

16-02-14, 19:16
Yep not getting freaked out about it sounds good. I think the more you concentrate on it the worse it gets. Perhaps distraction yourself may help. Like you I read that it can go overnight and I am sure yours will
If you are feeling stressed then it makes sense it will manifest somewhere in your body, I also get digestive issues which you mentioned and they are definitely a lot worse when I am anxious. Hope you are feeling better soon.

16-02-14, 20:28
Get some garlic down you - both of you!!

16-02-14, 20:45
Get some garlic down you - both of you!!

I am definitely trying this tomorrow!!!

18-02-14, 07:34
Well... how have you got one both? Did it work?

18-02-14, 18:52
Hi Shakey I ended up getting the odourless ones as I went to three different outlets and could not get ones with odour, apparently they are not popular and I need to order them from my pharmacy . I have had 2 up to now and noticed a difference this morning, not sure if it's a placebo effect but I am going to carry on as I don't care what helps as long as something does. Thanks.

18-02-14, 20:08
Great!! I'm glad it's working, I knew it would. Keep on taking them, and keep me updated.

Many thanks for replying.

18-02-14, 22:14
i'm afraid I haven't been to get buy any yet. But I am definitely going to and i'll let you know how I get on. Thanks very much for the suggestion!!!

20-02-14, 09:55
How's the garlic working for you AlmaMatters? I'm going to buy some later today.