View Full Version : so scared

16-02-14, 00:08
hi all, I posted about the a small hard lump in my nostril in the week and I just woke up with a nose bleed in that nostril! im freaking out!!!! Im so scared I have nose cancer and I don't know what to do :( im crying while writing this. I so scared

16-02-14, 00:43
It is probably a spot and not cancer at all
Go and see doc if you are worried

16-02-14, 01:00
coming on here voicing my concerns only because my husband is screaming at me im being stupid! im now just really scared because I have 2 of the symtoms now listed! Did I get the nose bleed coz I keep sticking my finger up there to feel the lump? do I just have a blocked up nose because of a cold in one nostril. I cant help panicking I know its a rare cancer im only 28. Its my daughters birthday today and im sat in bed sobbing my heart out because I cant get it out of my head. Im scared if I go to the dr they confirm or send me for test to confirm it. I have not been like this in a very very long time. I feel so alone

16-02-14, 01:15
I has a spot in my nostril a couple of years back, it was really painful! I kept attacking it and it kept fighting back and the bloody thing was there a year at least. Vaseline helped. :)

16-02-14, 01:29
coming on here voicing my concerns only because my husband is screaming at me im being stupid! im now just really scared because I have 2 of the symtoms now listed! Did I get the nose bleed coz I keep sticking my finger up there to feel the lump? do I just have a blocked up nose because of a cold in one nostril. I cant help panicking I know its a rare cancer im only 28. Its my daughters birthday today and im sat in bed sobbing my heart out because I cant get it out of my head. Im scared if I go to the dr they confirm or send me for test to confirm it. I have not been like this in a very very long time. I feel so alone

I know the cancer scare trust me. I know it's not fun. I know that once you start the g habitIit's hard to stop. (I'm guilty as well) here's the thing and I really hope this helps you.

In the last (I dunno 6 months?) I've self diagnosed myself with the following issues thanks to g

1. Heart disease, congestive heart failure, heart attacks, blocked arteries (o took4 baby asprin everyday and always lkept the bottle with me in case I fell over one day at work.
2. Mouth cancer, jaw cancer, sinus cancer, possible brain tumor, anerisum,
3.liver failure, pancreatic cancer, appendicitis, prostate cancer, testicular cancer.

right now I've semi convinced myself that because of my family history I have colon cancer even though I've had every test done cept an mri and a camera up my butt.

My point being that out of all that exhausting list up there.. never realized it but it's draining to write and look at phew! No wonder I'm a mess..

of all that self diagnosing you know how many I got right?


So why am I convinced I still have colon cancer? i have no idea. What I do know however is the sooner you get it checked out the sooner you can relax. 2 things can happen. 1 you go to the doctors and it'saabsolutely nothing (which almost always is the case) or 2 you catch something before it becomes something..

All health anxiety suffers all value our lives and we are all so scared to lose it. Yet for some reason we would much rather trust a search engine and diagnoseourselves to the grave and put off dr aappointments instead of just getting it done and over with and moving on.

I know it's absolutely hard. I know it's hard to tell people you love what you are experiencing because they all think you've lost your marbles.. just try to relax and enjoy the days we are gifted. Enjoys the days with your daughter and try not to jump to conclusions based on articles online.

You might have a boil or a zit that you just scrapped the head off.. If it lasts a few weeks go see a ear nose and throat doctor.. and by all means keep your fingers out of your nose. Germs germs germs. Which might have caused your current problem :)


You are in good company


16-02-14, 01:54
I have diagnosed myself with lots of things in the past. I was going to book a dr's appointment on Friday but I thought no. Its just a spot, but with the nose bleed tonight I just freaked out. Its 1.46 am now and im still wide awake with a long day ahead of me of screaming children. I have had CBT and we came to the conclusion im afraid of dying because im afraid of leaving my children behind and not watch them grow.

This health anxiety has come back with vengeance. I used to snap out of the brain tumour fears and the other what ifs. This attack is all because I googled and typed small hard lump in nostril and I scrolled down the bottom of the page and staring me in the face was nasel cancer.
Also reading it says 400 or so have been diagnosed with this cancer in the UK and said it is rare. More likely to affect males over 40. This should be some comfort to me but its not. I think I need to go to dr's Monday and put my mind at ease and talk about my health anxiety showing its ugly head again. I need to sleep I just cant stop thinking about the what ifs. I keep arguing with myself!! its so exhausting I hate being like this.

16-02-14, 02:26
I can totally relate. I also made the same mistake on roght side abdominal pain with changes in stool shape. Naturally the first 5 links all had cancer related garbage attached to them.. to make matters worse a month ago when i was googling. I no longer am. I said people in my age group are experiencing cancers of colon more now.. and are misdiagnosed because they don't fit the over 40 age profile.. naturally this sent me down a bad road that I'm still trying to dig out of.

plus my cat just died from a year long fight of lymphoma and seeing that was scary because nobody is immune to it.. However in her fight i found strength she was always happy to see me and she acted like nothing was ever wrong.

i use my benefits whenever possible i come from a family that put things off until they were to late which might be where my anxiety comes from but I've made it a habit to see and call my doc no matter how stupid it might be. Or what they might think of me. This combined with the online CBT has helped me a lot.

Just don't feel alone and lost these forums are a reminder that we are never alone and someone always 24/7 is having an issue with health anxiety that others have experienced.. tThis provides us reassurance that we aren't alone in our fight against thjs annouying thing.

16-02-14, 14:22
Nasal polyps are common. Nostril cancer is so rare that I've never heard of it, and I'm pretty much a walking encyclopedia of cancer information, because of extreme health anxiety which dates back at least thirty years.
Nasal polyps are harmless. They only need to be removed if they become so large they are impeding your breathing or causing irritating symptoms such as snoring.
If that's not what you have, then it might be a scab, from picking. If it hurts, it's probably a pimple or an infected hair follicle. If painless, I'd bet money on a nasal polyp.
This is truly a case where you hear hoofbeats and instead of thinking, "A horse", you are thinking, "A winged purple zebra!"
I know it feels scary, but from the perspective of another sufferer of severe HA with considerable medical knowledge, this is CLEARLY a case of your condition getting the better of you. Your fear has no basis in reality, unlike many, which are reality-based ( although still not real).
If you're going to drive yourself batshit, do it with a type of cancer that actually exists.
For instance, your chance of getting colon cancer is like one in twenty. Your chance of developing a nostril tumor which proceeds to eat your face from the inside out is zero in a hundred billion. (On the other hand, your odds of developing one or more harmless, benign nasal polyps are pretty fair, since they are extremely common).
Worry about something real.