View Full Version : Dropping things all the time

Anxiety Jim
16-02-14, 00:09

For about a year, maybe a little longer, I've been constantly dropping things. I've broken a phone and ipad in the last year by dropping it. Today I decided to count, and I've dropped things 7 times!

I'm really worried this is MS especially as my dropping has become worse in the last 2 or 3 months.

I drop things at work all the time, staplers, pens etc and they just think I'm clumsy. But it's getting increasingly hard to believe.

I also get a LOT of headaches above and behind my right eye, which makes me think MS even more. I think I've probably posted threads about my headaches before, so that part at least isn't my mind playing tricks on me.

Anyone have any advice / similar experiences?



16-02-14, 00:15
I can slightly relate to this, I get incredibly clumsy when I'm around people because of my social anxiety and the more I try to act normal the worse it gets which is pretty typical.

I've had similar worries in the past, and because I remember reading something about an abnormal walk I started becoming hyper conscious of walking, and eventually ended up walking funny! when I don't think about it though I walk fine.

Our anxious minds like to imitate our worst fears so that they get the food they crave. I honestly wouldn't worry about it :)

Anxiety Jim
16-02-14, 00:30

Thanks for replying. I do suffer from social anxiety too, but I tend to drop things whether I'm around people or not.

Occasionally, say once or twice a year, I get sleep paralysis too, which is TERRIFYING. I wake up in the middle of the night, I can't move, or speak or even open my eyes, even though I'm fully awake. This last about a minute. The last but one time I was 100% sure that there were people in the house, which is apparently a hallucination common with sleep paralysis.

But now my mind is trying to link the sleep paralysis to the muscle stiffness of MS. It's a horrible circle.


16-02-14, 00:37
If dropping stuff was the main MS symptom... seriously, with MS there would be at least a dozen other things you would experience apart from that.

and when it comes to headaches behind the eye - if you had optic neuritis, apart from pain, you'd have huge vision problems, also you would probably feel pain during eyes movement

take care & be positive