View Full Version : Do you symptoms come and go? Even through the day?

16-02-14, 06:37
I tried searching incase this has already been asked but I couldn't find anything. What I'm wondering is do your HA symptoms come and go? Day to day? Hour to hour? etc.

Mine is urgent urination or the feeling of needing to go right after I just did. Some days I hardly notice it, if at all. Other days it comes and goes through the day. Is this normal? :shrug:

16-02-14, 11:04
My symptoms come and go. Some days I have a headache all day and then I'll be headache free for a few days. Sometimes my muscles twitch a lot the. Not so much. My buzzing also comes and goes.

16-02-14, 11:07
I have symptoms that come and go too,

Some days I can be absolutely fine then some morning I can wake up with extreme fatigue and off balance feeling then it goes away then comes back throughout the day..

I always feel worse at night too, must be from the stresses of the day and it all catches up with me at the end off the day


16-02-14, 23:43
Glad to hear that I"m not the only one.

17-02-14, 00:31
All my symptoms come and go all day every day. Sometimes I get 2 or 3 symptoms at a time and its exhausting!!! If I wake up feeling bad I know that I'm in for a rough day!!:blush:

17-02-14, 04:14
Another thing, why do we all have difference in symptoms? Some have chest pains, some have headaches, bowel issues etc. I wonder why that is?

17-02-14, 11:22
Everybody's body reacts differently to stress.

17-02-14, 11:25
Yep, they come and go (miles better in the evening for me) and without an obvious 'I'm stressed/anxious about something right now' correlation.

17-02-14, 12:31
Leslie, of course everyone has different physical symptoms related to anxiety. And yes, they come and go at will. Our will, as we create all of these physical symptoms with our worrying and our anxiety.
The real question is what are you doing about your anxiety? What are you doing to help yourself?