View Full Version : ok so it was a month before it returned-normal?

22-11-06, 21:33
hi everyone, i havnt been back here to post in so long bu yet again my anx has fooled me and apparently im not as better as i thought. well, the other day i was out riding my horse and thought id call my boyfriend at home to see what he wanted for dinner. he told me hes not eating because he was feeling sick and just vomited! omg!!!!!! (im seriously emetaphobic) i burst out crying and have been feeling nauseous ever since. im convinced iv caught something. he only did it once a she thinks it was something he ate, then felt perfectly fine and apparently had dinner afterall. i actually couldnt even come home that night due to panic so i stayed at my friends house and she ended up having to look after me al night and all the following day. my attacks are now back with full force in the morning. along with dodgy tummy and pains. because of this im convinced iv caught something from him and im terrified. i know you cant catch it from the air and i dont put my hans in my mouth and i always wash my hands after anything so i cant poss have this. plus if it was just because of something he ate then i cant catch it. its just awful gys, i dont even feel like i can elax in my own house, but at the same time im too scared to leave.

sorry for the lengthy rant. i just wanted to know if its normal to have se backs? i was so ok there for a while......


22-11-06, 23:10

I know what youre saying cos i'm the same.On Monday morning this week,my husband felt sick and he vomited before he went to work,(about 7.15),just once and then he left feeling ill.I was mortified and ever since then ive been waiting for it to happen to me.As i am typing this i feel really sick and i'm convinced tonight is the night.

He too was only sick that once and then by 9 am was feeling ok again.He has totally forgot about the episode(and had done by dinner time that day) but its me who's freaking out now.

I havent got a phobia of being sick as such,ive just got a phobia about anything to do with being ill.Sorry i cant offer any words of advice,i just wanted to let you know you werent alone with this.

Take care..Candie xx

23-11-06, 09:54
Hi Cookie,

The way I look at setbacks is that they remind us of how far we have come. Setbacks are normal just as bad days are, it happens.

The important thing here is you recognise that you are in a better place than you were previously andthat has to be a good thing.

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

23-11-06, 11:20
Hi Cookie,

Try not to worry about having a setback, we are all too good at remembering the bad days. Try and focus on the good days you have had, i find it easier to write down the good things i have done, then i can reflect, and before i know it the good days out weigh the bad !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

23-11-06, 12:31
Hiya - we all get setbacks from time to time - I am going through a tough time at the moment, but I am trying to remember that this is a passing phase that will definitely get better eventually.

Look after yourself


***Fall down 7 times - stand up 8 times***

28-11-06, 04:46
I had really bad anxiety and depression for like six months and then felt better for six months and just in the past week I have been really anxious again. It is frustrating because I thought I was better and now I am not but I guess I can always look at it from the point of view that I got better once so I can do it again. Wow, that is really easy to say but it is really hard to believe. I can barely believe I wrote it. Hopefully, I will be able to convince myself of that in a few minutes when I feel really yucky. Good luck to you!

28-11-06, 14:57
Heya - just to let you know your not alone, having similar problems myself lately. Just picking up the pieces of it now.

Good luck, try to think positive and not to dwell on it. I know its hard as I can't follow those rules myself, I think I am but I just start to get obsessive.

Sending positive thoughts your way :)