View Full Version : it happens if we like it or not.

16-02-14, 12:02
Do you think we all are so concerned with our health and trying to find even the smallest things wrong with us because we ate so scared of death??

I've just been sitting watching cartoons with my son and out of nowhere I started to think what happens after we die.

Is that just it, we die and nothing ever again??

Like when we are asleep but forever??

I just can't gwt my head around it, and theres no way of getting away from death cause sooner or later it HAS to happen...

It terrifies me to the point of an almost panic attack.

I don't want to go through my life always trying to find something wrong with me and convinsing myself that I'm dying cause we only get one life and I want to live it not waste it, why do we worry about things before it actually happens.



16-02-14, 12:19
That is exactly why Bingjam, nearly everyone with anxiety fears the future, people who are depressed think in terms of the past. We need to bring ourselves into what's happening now, which in truth is all there ever will be, And maybe then we can make positive changes rather than worrying about something that comes for everything and always has.

We never die, we split into something more and return to the earth and feed all things. I imagine my life to be like a river, and one day it will merge with the ocean upon death :)

Have a good positive day.

16-02-14, 12:36
I can't say I'm not scared of dying because I am, its the after death part that scares me more because its impossible to say what happens, I just don't like the fact that its over once you die, never seeing anyone again, having no feeling, its just nothing.

But then I think if there is no life afyer death then what's with ghosts and spirits??

Thanks for replying


16-02-14, 12:50
You said it's impossible to know what happens but then you say it's over once you die and that your never going to see anyone again.

I agree no one knows what happens, who knows you could just wake up somewhere else thinking 'wow, what a dream' I wouldn't worry about it, after all you don't worry about sleeping do you? and you journey to other places in your dreams so what's the difference? :)

16-02-14, 13:37
That is exactly what I fear. Just stopping existing! I have often just sat there and thought of dying and what it is like to just be dead. Its a horrible feeling, I would stare at my arm or ankle and just think all that will stop moving. But im also afraid of dying young, not seeing my kids grow and me becoming old. I think that's why I have these anxiety's im afraid of what I know will happen.

16-02-14, 13:45
Hi BJam,

I essentially died. When I had my first heart attack, I went into AFIB and went out. Literally it was a 1-2 second time span. I said to myself as I felt it coming "Oh Shit, this isn't good" and that was it. I woke up a couple of hours later hooked up to monitors and oxygen. I have no other recollection. When I go, that's how I want it to happen. BAM... no pain, no time to be afraid. Having had cancer, that's the last way I want to go. If anything, I do fear dying a slow death. Well.... not so much "fear" it as it would just suck big time.

I understand the fear of death but having faced it several times intimately, I don't fear it. I understand some of the reasons such as leaving your loved ones etc. But again, I don't fear it. Having lost loved ones and close friends, I know thos I leave will carry on just as we did when we lost someone. Hopefully they'll take with them some of my wisdom and remember me well. At 55 years old, having had two heart attacks and cancer, I know my years are limited. My goal with the remainder of my life is to enjoy it to the fullest. Marry my fiance', eat good food, enjoy good drink, do the things that bring my heart joy and get in as much coochie coochie as my body will allow ~lol~

The last thing I want to do is waste my remaining time worrying about something I have no control over. It's a mindset and attitude you must adopt and truly believe in. I've said it before. You can worry about diseases and illnesses that can and will bury you 6 feet under. But the illness you do have can bury you above ground as living with extreme worry/anxiety is not living at all.

I truly do understand anxiety as I suffer from a periodic episode of "scanxiety" when my scope, poke and prod appointments come every three months. It's not pleasant and I get some of the symptoms many here get... tight chest, short fuse, general restlessness etc. But I've learned how to deal with the Dragon (CBT techniques I've learned here have helped greatly) and the closest he gets to me is my backyard for a week or so.

If you learn to be a Dragon Slayer and you'll learn to live again.

Positive thoughts

16-02-14, 17:06
I'm a born again Christian. & I have no doubt I'll be with Jesus after I die. Yes sometimes frightening doubts enter my mind, but I believe what I believe . I had a friend once who was quite ill & eventually passed & she said it was the death process, not death that scared her. That's me.

16-02-14, 17:16
I am not afraid of death at all.
I am afraid of pain, mutilation, and indignity. In short, illness.
Death does not scare me, and would in fact be a relief.
I am not religious, and do not believe any consciousness survives physiological death, but I'm willing to entertain the idea that it might; either way, I'm not scared of it, though.
It will be a welcome relief to be done occupying this body, which has terrified me since I was a child (which is absurd because I've never really been sick, and it's really my brain that is terrifying me).
Even the thought of leaving my children doesn't scare me; my husband is very competent and committed to them, and I think they'd be fine without me.
The thought of leaving this life doesn't scare me. What would I be missing. I have never been happy, and for the past decade or so, my life has been nothing but misery and terror.
If euthenasia were legal, I'd be ecstatic, and I'd never worry about cancer or other illness again, because I would know that I would not have to suffer.

17-02-14, 00:37
Well I'll tell you glass piņata, I can't say I want to leave now . Your post was pretty heavy . I have issues. & fears but I do enjoy being alive, despite all the fear. I have a very strong will to survive. The thought of leaving my kids. & grandson hurts. When the tine comes for me to leave this world, i look forward to heaven & Jesus & I have a lot of faith , but it does depress me to think of leaving this life . I guess partly because this is familiar which feels secure.

17-02-14, 01:32
Yeah, the past few years my anxiety has caused me to deteriorate to the point that I am not that attached to life anymore.
It's just work, work, work, worry, worry, worry, obsess.
I spend nearly sixty hours a week at work, trying to keep us afloat and insured.
Two of my kids are grown and gone, and one is just a toddler, but I never spend time with him. By the time we get home from work and daycare, it's his bedtime.
I never said I wanted to die, just that I'm not scared of it. I am scared of illness and suffering, particularly a lingering illness. If I got cancer, I'd probably have to keep working until I dropped dead. I simply said that if euthenasia were an option, I'd feel a lot more secure, because if I ended up with a terminal illness, I could just end it and avoid all the suffering.

17-02-14, 02:14
Like you said, death is gonna happen whether we like it or not. I have PD and I understand what its like to constantly worry about what's gonna happen to you, and looking at every sign as if its a death sentence. Truth is, no one knows what's going to happen after you die. I'm Christian, I believe that after I die I will go to heaven if the lord says the same. I don't like to think that after we die, there is just nothing because that's a really depressing thought. I'm trying to enjoy my life and the good parts of my life that I have right now. I know it can be tough, but we can't live everyday in fear of what will happen. We just gotta keep living.