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View Full Version : Nasopharynx irritation and ear/throat

16-02-14, 15:29
Hi my names Sam,

I have for the past few months (8-9) had this annoying thing in the back I my throat and after a lot of googling found it to be called my nasopharynx, constantly feels like there's something there that I can't swallow or shift AT ALL. Iv looked up the worst possible causes and it's frightened the hell out of me, CANCER!! Iv started to get a sharp twinge in my left ear and my voice changes every now and then, becoming hoarse. I have had neck and shoulder tension for months too and assumed that was down to my medication and being highly strung and an anxious person. I also recently found a lump in my neck wich I went straight to the doctor with because it's one of the symptoms of nasopharangeal cancer, so instantly my body went cold and I started to panic, first doc said he can't feel anything, second doc a few days later felt it was a prominent carotid artery?? What the hell could be wrong? I can't concentrate and waiting for my ENT app is like pulling teeth, has anyone ever had anything similar and what was it?

16-02-14, 17:29
Sounds like globus to me. I get this occasionally. Like a lump in your throat. It's very common in anxiety suffers as is the neck shoulder tension. A lot of people also have neck lumps. My voice gets hoarse too sometimes I'm a teacher so I talk a lot. It's good you are having it checked but it sounds pretty normal to me.

16-02-14, 17:56
I had head and neck cancer. Oropharyngeal. What you describe does not present like it. That being said, the only way to know for sure is to see an ENT experienced in H&N cancers and get scoped. Then, a biopsy of a suspicious area, lesion or node is the only definitive way to diagnose if there is anything to biopsy. If indeed this was cancer, you would be feeling really ill by now and a doctor would have been able to pick up on it. Two doctors didn't find anything of concern so that leaves anxiety/stress/acid reflux/globus as the most probable cause of your symptoms.

Positive thoughts

16-02-14, 22:47
I get all of this. Ear ache and pressure. Neck ache on same side and pressur feeling in throat. Also feel lumps.

I've been to my own doctor many times and seen an ENT in September and December and was told there are no lumps. The scope was normal.

I think you can have all these things and then being unrelated and related to anxiety.