View Full Version : Dream last night making me anxious

16-02-14, 17:08
last night I had a dream which basically revolved around me being haunted and I couldn't escape. This is currently causing me a bit of distress as it has brought back fear of death. Ive had fear of death since anxiety started though mine is mostly to do with after death. This dream has just scared me because it was really unpleasant and currently im feeling very strange - breathing/throat is funny and my head and body feels really strange and i keep thinking of really negative thoughts and conjouring up 'horror movie' images and thinking of my dream and im terrified im going mad or that im going to die. i try to think positively but i feel really awful and have that 'feeling of dread' and im just not sure how to approach this. does anyone have any ideas?

16-02-14, 22:09
Nightmares will do that to you. Doesn't matter who you are. They'll shake us all up.

I don't believe in ghosts or superstition or anything like that but if I have a nightmare about it I'll carry that fear/trauma around with me for hours.

Give it time, you're just suffering from a bit of the residuals. It'll all be gone soon and you'll forget.

Speed up its departure though by making fun of what happened in the dream. Like make a parody/skit movie out of it. Have silly things happen. Take the seriousness out of it.

It's your imagination, you can do what you want with it.

Whatever you were haunted by give it a squeaky helium voice.

You in the dream "ugh I'm not being haunted again. Take your rubbish acting and get out"

Ghost (with squeaky helium voice) "oi ! You can't talk to me like that !"

You "you're in my house. I'll talk to you how I want. Now get out and take your rubbish primark ghost outfit with you"

Haunty thing mopes off.

You're not dying or going crazy, losing control. They're all classic fears anxious people have.

16-02-14, 23:20
Nightmares will do that to you. Doesn't matter who you are. They'll shake us all up.

I don't believe in ghosts or superstition or anything like that but if I have a nightmare about it I'll carry that fear/trauma around with me for hours.

Give it time, you're just suffering from a bit of the residuals. It'll all be gone soon and you'll forget.

Speed up its departure though by making fun of what happened in the dream. Like make a parody/skit movie out of it. Have silly things happen. Take the seriousness out of it.

It's your imagination, you can do what you want with it.

Whatever you were haunted by give it a squeaky helium voice.

You in the dream "ugh I'm not being haunted again. Take your rubbish acting and get out"

Ghost (with squeaky helium voice) "oi ! You can't talk to me like that !"

You "you're in my house. I'll talk to you how I want. Now get out and take your rubbish primark ghost outfit with you"

Haunty thing mopes off.

You're not dying or going crazy, losing control. They're all classic fears anxious people have.

This is a brilliant way of dealing with it! haha :)

14-03-14, 13:26
Well this has happened to me... I had a nightmare and I ussually willl feel weird for a day maybe 2 well the next night my son had a nightmare and with my annoying mind I thought it was a sign so I staryed focusing on it and I swear I wish I never did! For over a month I had that feeling of dread I was so anxious and scared the feeling went away and I started asking myself why was I feeling like that and that has cause some anxiety... I hate the way my mind overreacts