View Full Version : Switching SSRIs, what to expect?

16-02-14, 18:21
So, it looks as though I am finally going to give up on sertraline (after 3+ months with no effect except side-effects and weird dreams) and be put on another SSRI (don't know which one yet) this week.

I suffered really bad side-effects when I started on sertraline, and while they subsided (and were minimal when I increased the dose, too), I am dreading having to go through that again with a new med, possibly combined with effects from stopping the sertraline.

So my question to all you lovely NMP folks: what should I expect? Can anyone share their experiences with switching meds like this?

:hugs: to all,
Stella x

16-02-14, 19:15
I switched from cit to sert and it went without any fuss

18-02-14, 11:30
Thank you MrAndy (as usual -- how are you so helpful? :)), that's reassuring to know. I am being switched to fluoxetine so I am hoping it goes as smoothly.

18-02-14, 11:57
Its my pleasure,
one more bit of advice is dont start counting the days etc just focus on the improvements (no matter how small) you are making
good luck

18-02-14, 14:30
What kind of side effects did you have with sertraline?

Fluoxetine doesn't come with many cognitive side effects, but it can be very 'activating' - so be prepared for increased anxiety at first.

27-02-14, 07:53
Thank you Emphyrio! Sertraline made me feel pretty rough - nausea, shakiness, muscle pain, insomnia, fatigue, foggy-headedness... let's just say sertraline and I didn't really get on!

I have been a week on the fluoxetine now, and no noticeable side effects apart from feeling very thirsty. I think you are right that it is 'activating'; it is much easier physically to get out of bed in the morning even if I still feel rubbish mentally :)