View Full Version : Start programme tomorrow

22-11-06, 23:18
Hi to everyone

I passed all three assessments and start my course tomorrow. Mondays I go to a stress course Monday am. I am happy for a change. I went to ante-natal with my daughter. She has another 4 weeks to but she looks like a ballon!!

I dont know what has caused my shift in depression, perhaps anti-depressants or perhaps it is me driving around, going to places, shops etc. Going to the hospital with my daughter at 2.00am as the baby was not moving and having to go past ICU was bad enough.

My friend then was admitted and was actually in the same bed my dad was before they transferred him to ICU.

At last she has finally admitted she is alcohol dependent and is going to assessed for the same course I am on. I am on groups to reduce my valium (I take 4mg) - my goal is to get down to nothing (as I was on 65mg 6 months ago and went cold turkey). By the way please dont try this out for yourself. I didn't know it was dangerous enough to kill me. However, I didn't!

She will have different groups but I feel I did a good turn for a friend who I have see rapidly decline. Didn't realise she was drinking 3/4 bottle of vodka and beer every night. They have detoxed her to 5mg and she is pulling her hair out.

I went over there at 11.30pm because she was in such a state. Alcohol/withdrawal from anything in fact sucks and makes you want it even more when you begin to suffer physical symtoms.

I hope I am over this "unreal" feeling. That would be fantastic. I am waffling so I will stop.

Wish me luck for tomorow.:)

22-11-06, 23:24

Its great to hear you sounding so positive at last

BIG (((((HUGS))))))

Best of luck for tommorow

luv kaz xxx

22-11-06, 23:46
((((((((((((((((GOOD LUCK FRAN)))))))))):D:D:D:D

Ellen XX

23-11-06, 09:49
Way to go Fran, sounds good.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

23-11-06, 11:12
Good Luck Fran!

Im sure it will all go well !:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"