View Full Version : Too scared to see Drs

16-02-14, 18:44
Posted yesterday but no replies again. Really need to go back to my Drs with my stomach pain but soo worried. Today I was out and suddenly got the most horrendous pain in my bottom. Lasted for about 20 mins. Googled of course and proctitis fugax came up, which is sometimes connected to IBS. My stomach is really tender and have increased BMs . Could really do with hearing from someone who has experienced this or advice from Fishmanpa whom I really respect! Please?

16-02-14, 18:58
Hi hun,

I have experienced the pain in the bottom and a lot of my friends have as we was discussing it the other week, it's agony, I don't no what it is but as my friends have had it I'm not worried I also suffer bad stomach pains, I also no Keith Lemon suffered from it as he was laughing about it on tv, just trying to say Hun it's common and try not to worry or google, my dr said to me once that if she had a cold and typed in her symptoms in google she would be dying from pneumonia, it just isn't realistic. Hope u feel better soon

16-02-14, 19:03
Hi Worried WoN

I appreciate your kind words. Listen up... you're going to have to bite the bullet and go see your doctor. You've been dx'd with GERD and that's the issue. Frankly I never even heard of proctitis fugax before but upon looking it up I had to ~lol~ as it sounds like something I call "porch cramps" (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=porch+cramp). I actually got published in the Urban Dictionary with that one :)

You could be developing IBS or some other stomach/bowel ailment in addition to GERD. Anxiety/stress does some wonderful things to our bodies. Seeing your doctor will be much less stressful in the long run as opposed to worrying about your symptoms. Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

16-02-14, 19:05
Lol porch cramps :D

16-02-14, 19:07
Thank you both. I was about to add paranoia 'no replyitis' to my list of problems! I know I must go back to my Dr. Was Dx with IBS 20 years ago but not had any problems until recently x

16-02-14, 19:11
I really would go back to your dr Hun, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about the sooner u go the sooner you can get it sorted and not be in pain. X