View Full Version : Breathing - Reassurance needed

16-02-14, 18:46
My breathing obsession is getting worse every day. I'm now aware of every breath from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.

It is all driven from an ultimate obsession that if I think about breathing enough I won't be able to breathe anymore and it will just stop and I'll pass out. My mind justifies this as when I over think breathing and think about how I'm actually doing it, it becomes really unnatural and almost feels difficult to do like I don't even know how I'm doing it anymore. It is terrifying.

I know I won't die as I've read that if you do stop breathing you pass out and start breathing again, but it still terrifies me just the thought of not being able to breathe.

I suppose I just need some reassurance and it would be great to hear from anyone who is going through or has been through the same.

16-02-14, 18:52
I had this for 3 days straight went to the drs and my oxygen level was 99% which is really good, you do tend to get enough oxygen when we have this feeling of difficulty with breathing. Eventually I did lots of things to take my mind of it and it passed, I haven't had it in a long time but if I sat here thinking about my breathing i'd get it again. I no it's hard but you have to relax and take ur mind off your breathing x

16-02-14, 18:54
I have been going thru the same thing for over 40 years and am still here!!

You will always get enough breath, otherwise you wouldn't breathe when you are asleep. If only you could stop thinking about it, right? I don't have the answer, but wanted you to know you are by no means alone.


16-02-14, 20:27
I get this a lot just lately. Dr took my sats the other day and they were 100% Can't say better can you? Yet it certainly doesn't feel like that does it. Really feel for you as I know how scary it is. My body automatically tenses up as soon as I think about doing any form of exercise. Even getting up from a chair, or going up the stairs, my mind is on it constantly. And I automatically cannot breath and gasp for air. Horrible, just horrible,

16-02-14, 20:38
My breathing obsession is getting worse every day. I'm now aware of every breath from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.

It is all driven from an ultimate obsession that if I think about breathing enough I won't be able to breathe anymore and it will just stop and I'll pass out. My mind justifies this as when I over think breathing and think about how I'm actually doing it, it becomes really unnatural and almost feels difficult to do like I don't even know how I'm doing it anymore. It is terrifying.

I know I won't die as I've read that if you do stop breathing you pass out and start breathing again, but it still terrifies me just the thought of not being able to breathe.

I suppose I just need some reassurance and it would be great to hear from anyone who is going through or has been through the same.

That is an absolutely exhausting phobia. I have had this one myself. If I forgot to fixate and suddenly remembered, I'd gasp for breath and my heart
would go like a jackhammer and then I would convince myself that I had
stopped breathing and had to kick start it blah blah blah. Vicious circle but
like you said. You KNOW deep down that you are not going to stop breathing.
You can't and won't stop breathing because you lapse in focusing on it and
you really have to try to believe that. Knowing it and truely believing it would
make a huge difference. Go to your GP and ask for help, ask for advice and
reasurance because it will make a huge difference.

Lisa xx

16-02-14, 20:42
I asked for advice on what I could do and they were just useless. I need something like breathing training. I have been trying to do deep breathing relaxation and it is good, just can't apply it when I get those periods.

16-02-14, 20:45
For me it isn't as much worrying about not focussing on my breathing and it stopping, it's actually worrying that if I focus on it too much it will stop. When I think about breathing it feels difficult to do and I almost don't know how I'm doing it and feel like I've forgotten what to do : (

16-02-14, 20:46
If you ask a prefessional for help and you didn't get any then go to another doctor. You're well within your rights to request this in any medical practice. These people are here to help and advise you and if that's not the case then they obviously aren't doing their job properly.

Don't be fobbed off hun. xx