View Full Version : Hypothyroid - I don't know where else to post this

16-02-14, 20:32
I've had Hypothyroidism for over a year now. And in the past week I've had my arm shake uncontrollably for five minutes (for the first time ever), and last night I barely slept a wink because my right leg decided to ache like it was the end of the world, and every time I would move it, it would ache 20x more like I hopped around the world on it. And despite having a high pain tolerance, I think that was one of the worst pains I've had..

I just want to know if both is normal with having Hypo. The aches and pains I get, but I was so immobile all night and all of this morning that I was wondering if maybe my levels were low? I take my medicine at the same time every morning, 0.25MCG of Levothyroxine. :wacko:

I'm going to call Tuesday morning, but until then I just want some reassurance about this. x:

16-02-14, 23:39
I don't think they sound serious, but they also don't sound like they're related to hypothyroidism--I haven't had a thyroid in a decade, and I've never heard of anything like that. In fact, tremor is more associated with hyperthyroidism.

It's always good to get your levels checked, of course, but you're on a fairly low dose, so it doesn't sound like you're very hypothyroid. Are you on any other medications, and have you had anxiety problems before this?

17-02-14, 04:10
No, I'm only taking Levothyroxine. And I've started to have panic attacks back in December 2012, and they eased up once I started taking the medicine that following March. I kind of feel like I'm hyper sometimes, even though I was diagnosed as hypo. But I've heard stories that people alternate between the two? Idr, it's been a while.

P.S. Would panic attacks cause my arm to shake? Because I almost did have one but I calmed myself down right away. But it was only after my finger started to swell and turn red in spots for some reason..

17-02-14, 23:26
Bump. x

18-02-14, 12:49
I'm hypo too.. That's a tiny amout of thyroxine. Have u had ur bloods done recently

20-02-14, 00:51
I just got them done today (got pricked in both arms e.e). The doctor said she'll let me know on Monday. Last time I've been in for blood work for my thyroid was this past June.

20-02-14, 02:37
I wonder if its possible your dose of levothyroxine might be too high and causing shakes ... my mom was hyper and she had tremors. But I'm no doctor, so glad you got the blood tests done.