View Full Version : In a REALLY bad place ATM :(

16-02-14, 20:51
So since the very beginning of Jamuary I have been plagued by sharp twinges in my upper abdomen-seems to be the very area of my stomach or pancreas, along with it I have been experiencing a weird feeling of something behind my left rib , not there all of the time but most times. Then there's y back problem, at first my uppe left back was sore and felt burning inside, now for the past 2days it has been constantly aching, especially if I'm slouching in the sette, it seems to settle if I'm sitting in an upright position, also there is a tender spot on my spins at bra level, that if you pressed it I would be very sore, this is off and n though, it's fine 1 day,sore the next. The area of my left fried flank area is also sore.
My thoughts are pancreas or spleen problems :(
Dr put me on lansoprazole but they didn't work, she has now given me ranitidine, which I have been taken for 19 days and still feel the same.

The dr tested me for h pylori-negative.
U had an ultrasound on ovaries last oct and apparently they scanned my pancreas liver kidneys and spleen at the same time, however I don't think they were scanning me long enough for all of those areas to be checked properly :(

I do have ibs but the dr said that would only affect my lower stomach and not my upper or back.
I can't get another app at dr until the 6th march :(

I am really freaking out now , I have just been to the loo and my stool is still brown but slightly lighter than normal (tmi) worried that this is the start if jaundice.
I am going out of my mind with worry, my hubby has just left for nightshift, I tried talking to him earlier but he is so fed up of me and my health anxiety :weep::weep::weep:
Just don't know what to do.
It's the thought of dying and leaving my kids so young 11,5 and 6. I am crying as I type this because normally I can pull myself out of this but this time I can't, the symptoms are real and very troublesome.
Really struggling this time :(

16-02-14, 21:00
Hi doll

I'm sure there are many IBS sufferers on here who would disagree with this only effecting your lower abdomen. I myself have read many many many other symptoms.

Have you read the IBS section on the forum...


Lisa xx

16-02-14, 21:40
Seems like a disproportionate number of us here have IBS.
I've had it since childhood, and a few times the cramps have gotten so bad I've nearly passed out on the toilet.
Ironically, I don't worry much about it; probably because I've literally had it for about 35 years, and I pretty much know it's not going to kill me, or it would've already.
Times when I'm pregnant, though, I do worry very much during an IBS attack that I am going to miscarry, because of all the cramps and straining. That has never happened either, though.

16-02-14, 21:41
She seems to think I have costochondiritis -inflammation of the ribs as last year I was getting pain in my breast not my ribs she put itdown to this, despit not having rib pain sat year.
She now says she thinks it may be dyspepsia .... But dint know if that would answer the backpain