View Full Version : 3 day heart attack, need to get rid of this stupid feeling!

16-02-14, 21:01
Thursday it was back pain, Friday chest pain, yesterday and today its just upper body discomfort. I just cannot shake this feeling of a heart attack.

People are telling me that they don't go on this long but I've read differently, I know I'm not too young at 22 and I just struggling to cope.

I have been doing so so well and my loved ones are so disappointed I'm worrying again. I wish I wasn't I just need some nice words because my family at the minute are hating me :(

16-02-14, 21:03
Completely understand where you are. I'm ten years older than you and a bit more so more of a risk to me. But I've suffered wierd chest pains all weekend and longer. It's getting me so very down. Big hugs

16-02-14, 21:12
Thank you :) I know I'm paranoid and I can see why they're annoyed at me but it just feels so real. Stabby pains in my chest and pains in my arms I am worrying so much.

I have been so good and I feel like I'm taking 10 steps backwards (again!). Last time I had an ambulance over similar symptoms they were horrible to me (with the encouragement of my lovely parents of course) so I worry about getting help but I just want to be okay. Sorry your feeling the same :( x

16-02-14, 21:20
Hi hun, I have had them this weekend too, shame u has horrible paramedics though :-( I no now that mine isn't a heart attack it is to do with muscle tension, we get sharp pain that comes and goes, the dr told me a heart attack isn't sharp pain it's a pressure feeling, like someone sitting on your chest, and the pain won't come and go it would b constant, your arm is hurting u as you r anxious/panicking because of the pain you r experiencing in ur chest, it's a viscous circle. If you press on your chest does it hurt? X

16-02-14, 21:31
Oh yes it does. I was diagnosed with costochondirits in the summer and its a pain in the arse. Every time its 'its probably muscular but what if this is it', drives me mad I usually poke myself and if it hurts then I'm fine (yes that sounds mad lol) but now I worry that its hurting when inptess it because I've been poking too much which is now masking the real heart issue. I sound bonkers!

16-02-14, 22:08
No u aren't bonkers u have health anxiety like us all and we all have similar thoughts, I asked if it hurt to press because I have costochondritis to and it flares up at times, if it hurts to touch and it's a stabbing pain I can say 100% it's that not a heart attack, I have it myself, plus u r only 22, I'm 25 and we r both way to young for that :-)

16-02-14, 22:29
Thursday it was back pain, Friday chest pain, yesterday and today its just upper body discomfort. I just cannot shake this feeling of a heart attack.

People are telling me that they don't go on this long but I've read differently, I know I'm not too young at 22 and I just struggling to cope.

I have been doing so so well and my loved ones are so disappointed I'm worrying again. I wish I wasn't I just need some nice words because my family at the minute are hating me :(

You won't have a heart attack, trust me I suffered from panic attacks for a decade, 6 - 8 a day, It's a horrendous cycle that can be destroyed, You only have panic attacks because you fear the symptoms you experience, i don't fear panic attacks or the symptoms, therefore I don't have panic attacks any more. so next time you feel a panic attack coming on and you notice the pains, realise that you've been in this position before, nothing happened last time and nothing will happen to you again.

I hope this has given you reassurance :)

16-02-14, 22:56
Yes it does assure me :) thankyou. I know the chances are it's not a heart attack obviously but I've read too much stuff that matches my symptoms, gah. I hate this a xiety everything is going so well then back to the beginning, feel like crying although that would be pointless. If irs not my heart its a brain aneurysm. Two things that make me on edge.

My arms shoulders back are hurting now too, so this worries me more and I'm stuck in an awful cycle.

---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:45 ----------

I've had an upset stomach Earlier and now I feel very sick. These are also symptoms, oh gos I feel more certain than ever. I'm so frightened I want to call an ambulance but nobody will let me know because of my paranoia. Oh god I am struggling to calm down now I hace most of the symptoms :(

16-02-14, 23:10
You're probably feeling sick because you're anxious. I feel sick when I read about illnesses and symptoms.

I'm really sorry you had a bad experience with the ambulance, that must have been horrible :(

I'm convinced you're NOT having a heart attack. Have you ever tried meditation? I do a breathing exercise at my yoga class which involves breathing in for a count of 8, hold for 8, breathe out for 8, hold for 8, in for 8 and so on. It's very calming. It's harder to freak out and panic when youre doing controlled breathing. Try it and see if you feel better xx

17-02-14, 12:19
Thankyou everyone. I feel better today and its nice to offload to the lovely non-judgemental people on here :-)

I'm just left with on and off discomfort at the bottom of my chest/top of my stomach. Although I read this as a 'heart attack sign you shouldny ignore!' I do feel less anxious today. The pain is on and off and I think this is a good sign.

I just have to hope my heart is okay. I had high cholesterol through childhood/teens and although at my last check it was 4.2 I just feel the damage/blockage has already been done, it does gey me down and worried.

Thank you all. Xx

17-02-14, 12:26
Foxy, you've been worrying about this heart issue for far too long. You know it's nothing but anxiety. The more attention that you give it, the longer the feelings will last. What are you doing to treat the real,problem, which is anxiety? Are you seeing a therapist or doing CBT? CBT can really be helpful for worrying about physical symptoms. Are you doing any meditation or breathing exercises. Instead of seeking reassurance, why not try to see what others do when they encounter these difficulties. It can only help, I assure you.

17-02-14, 13:06
youll probably find youve totally messed your breathing pattern up through worry this will keep all these symptoms going as you are messing up your oxygen levels wont do any long term harm but can make you feel rough as

every pain you get youll prob notice you gulp air ?????

how long has this dibilitated your life ??? you need to get it under control go and see your doctor

you are also feeding this by reading up on all the symptoms sorry to say it your your own enemy

people in there 20s 30s dont generally have heart problems we all know this hard to stop worry though I understand

go and enjoy your life and get off the internet a bit youll have everything apart from tennis elbow I was told

tk care

17-02-14, 13:39
Hi Tanner.
To be fair this isn't an ongoing worry. I managed to stop worrying about this for months and its only recently resurfaced, although I'm not really sure why.

I come along stories without actively searching them about people dying very young due to high cholesterol from birth, and I know mine has been through childhood I automatically connect myself to these stories.

I know that women tend yo have different signs than the typical crushing chest pain, and abdominal discomrfot is one of them as well as aching shoulders/arms etc that when I have these symptoms I do find it hard not to worry.

As I've said its only just started to worry me again, I've been able yo put it out my mind for months.

I've just finished a course of amitriptyline, trying to get an appointment to get some more. CBT didnt work for me as I think I was subconsciously fighting it as I actually didna large chunk of Cbt for my degree so I know how it's meant to work etc it just didnt.

All I want more than anything in the world is to know the extent my high cholesterol blocked my arteries. Then I know I'd be able to not worry, unfortunately I won't ever know til the attack happens. I hate myself every day for having high cholesterol, I feel like I already killed myself and I sometimes blame my parents as I was too young yo make my own food choices, something which I then fe horrible about :(

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:19 ----------

Oh well, the worry started last year when I started to have chest pains and swrats dizziness etc. I had no anxiety then so I had no reason to assume it was anxiety. After clear Ecgs and chest xray it took me ages to finally stop worrying about my heart and I did.

I know googling is bad and I don't do it now but I used yo a d remember what I've read.

My high cholesterol was discovered when I was ten, although I don't know how long I had it it could have been from birth for all I know.

It was finally 4.2 last year aged 22. So potentially I've had 20 years of cholesterol build up, a dangerous amount of time I believe.

I know i don't Havr a heart condition abd I'm happy with that. But its the potential blockage from arteries thay terrifies me knowing the amount of time I've had high cholesterol I can't srrm to shift the panic x

Also both my grandparents had heart attacks in their 50s so it does run in the family , scares me rotten x

---------- Post added at 13:39 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ----------

And now I've just suddenly vomited everywhere another sign. This is why I worry do much :(x

17-02-14, 13:44
hi i dont mean this personal but I can sort of tell by reading your replies you have convinced yourself your doomed

basically your flooding your body with worry im suprised this hasnt started the old acid reflux yet? this will give you even more pains in your chest area It did for me shooting pains from chest up to the jaw

then on other occasions Ive had the old pressure in chest build up for what seemed like minutes ....OH MY GOD DAD CALL 999 QUICK QUICK

only to let out an almighty burp because id been hyperventilating but didnt realise all day every day

your only young dont let this ruin your family or future family? like it did mine I was Neurotic I trapped a nerve in my chest which started mine...

only for nothing to ever have happened 5 years later im still here

tk care


17-02-14, 14:14
It is already ruining ny family. My boyfriend is sick of me, I have a beautiful little girl and one on the way. It makes my anxiety worse I am convinced I won't see them grow

Unfortunately the fact that I Havr had childhood high cholesterol is the main worry. I could have had it for 20,years they could be blocked as I speak and I'll never get them thoughts out of my head, I wish I could x

17-02-14, 15:03
roxy, it sounds like you're just describing your LDL number, which is slightly raised but not humongously so. That's not the only relevant number, though--are you fixing on the one number that was an outlier?

I would encourage you to give CBT online a go. Therapy is like trying to get pregnant--it doesn't work every time but it's worth it when it does :). Isn't important for the little one there and the little one to come that you take care of yourself?

17-02-14, 15:04
Hey Roxy,

As I read the thread I see you spiraling here. You're feeding the dragon and he's eating it right up. It would be wise to use whatever tools you have in your box of tricks to stop this in it's tracks. Stop with Dr. Google and get on with things. You've been down this path many times before, you know you're fine due to tests and doctor's visits, you know what this does to everyone around you and most of all you know this isn't a 3 day heart attack or a heart attack at all!

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 15:12
Roxy, have you ever given meditation or mindfullness a try?

There is a book called Full Catastrophe Living that you might find helpful - it's a big tome, but it's worth dipping into. It's not the stories you read that are the problem, but it's your reaction to them that makes you anxious.

17-02-14, 15:47
hi roxy perhaps youve jusy got a lot on your mind at mo and everything is overwhelming you.... I think your smart enough to turn this around yourself I also believe you have filled yourself with knowledge some good some bad so you may already know what a cbt person would tell you/? but until you accept it yourself it wont go away

theres nothing wrong with you theres so many what ifs you could

Also just so you know you telling yourself youve deff got to have done damage over the 20 years is another classic manifestation of anxiety /rumination/intrusive thoughts/mind chatter with no evidence to back it up

hth kris

17-02-14, 16:10
Oh you're all so right. I feel a bit stressed and its probably just manifesting as this. I have beat the heart demon before not sure why its deciding to rear its ugly head again.

I've just finished 28 days amitriptyline for my facial pain but it worked wonders for my anxiety, felt best I had in a year but struggling to get an appointment for more.

Thankyou all so much. I know its all ifs and ands that's probably the thing that gets me the most, I don't like uncertainty! I am feeling lots better now, I Havr worked hard to bring my cholesterol down to just 4.2 I was over the moon with my results but I always think oh well it's too late. Maybe its not too late? I hope not anyway :-)