View Full Version : OCD Severe fear of schizophrenia

17-02-14, 02:22
Title really says it all, this is an extreme fear with me. I have to admit, it has gotten MUCH better, however something strange happened to me and of course I am looking for reassurance because I've read far too much about schizophrenia. A random, nonsensical word just popped into my head tonight. Granted, I was watching TV, reading/posing on a makeup forum. It could have been a combo of stimuli, and I could have just had a random jumble of words. This word was something I've never heard before, it was definitely a thought though, something my mind just spewed out. I have been diagnosed as the "pure O" OCD, and I will be starting CBT soon. Of course my mind is convincing me that it's schiz because of the "word salad, neologism" symptom. Any advice, any others experienced this?

17-02-14, 03:24
I don't have OCD or a fear of schizophrenia, but my mom has schizophrenia so I guess you could say that I'm familiar with it. Honestly, my mother always tells me if you think about it enough, you'll become it. Your brain is very smart and if you think about something enough you'll start have to crazy thoughts and you'll start to get symptoms relating to whatever you have a fear of. I have a fear of heart attacks, and even though I've never dealt with a fear of schizophrenia I know what its like to think about something so much it consumes you. All I can really say is to breathe and just take things a day at a time. You probably don't have schizophrenia but this CBT will be really good for you.

17-02-14, 11:13
Yeah.. ^ just to clarify, if you think you have schizophrenia you won't become scitzophrenic, you will just give yourself psychosomatic symptoms, that's what you meant isn't it? Didn't want her thinking you could think up a psychological disorder :roflmao:
Scizophrenia is something you wouldn't be worried about as it will have always been part of you. You would know by now if something was wrong, and you won't develop it out of the blue.
You just had a "tired thought". When your mind is overtired and spews out rubbish. Non-anxious people have this too but don't necessarily worry about it. I have it and it freaked me out for a while but now I understand it's just brain farts. You are ok and you definitely don't have scizophrenia.