View Full Version : Health anxiety is ruining my life!!!!

17-02-14, 04:06
This is my first ever post on this website, and I don't even know where to begin?

I guess I should probably start by saying I'm a 25 year old female and I've always suffered from mild general anxiety but this health anxiety started in May last year after my mother in law had a heart attack (it was later discovered the heart attack was caused by a blood disorder, not heart disease, not that it's stopped me worrying.

After my second son was born 4 weeks early, he had some issues and it had me constantly worrying something terrible was going to happen to him, after he came good, it's almost as if that worry transferred onto my own health. I started getting chest and back aches, which turned out to be walking pneumonia, and from then I started focussing on every little pain I had. My mother in law having had a heart attack at 51 didn't help the matter.

So, since may, I've been on medication which seemed to work for all of a few weeks and then my anxiety would just become worse than the dose I was prescribed. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning because I'm so scared I'm going to die. I'm having daily panic attacks, I'm scared to be alone. I'm giving myself tension and my arms are going numb. It always seems to be my left side that gives me problems, and when you're worried about a heart attack, the left side is the one you don't want giving you trouble. The latest thing is waking up and having chest pains from anxiety (at least I'm hoping it's nothing more serious). I cannot function anymore, in miserable. I should be happy, I'm married and have two fabulous sons, but all I think about is dying from a heart attack. I'm making my nearly three year old worried that something is wrong with me. He constantly asks me if I'm ok, or if I'm happy? I'm turning my son into a worrier!

Sorry this is so long, I just don't know what to do, I'm so scared all of the time.

17-02-14, 14:20
Ah bless you.

This health anxiety is a toughie! Maybe go back to your dr and chat through how you truly feel, maybe they can refer you for some other help x