View Full Version : Eye test

17-02-14, 09:01
Does anybody else get stressed about routine eye exams , I havnt even booked mine yet and I'm running to the toilet thinking about it becauSe I know I'm going to be calling at 9.30, it's just routine but I'm imagining they're going to find a brain tumor or a problem :(

17-02-14, 11:17
Hi Rebec if you look back to Saturday I just posted a thread about this. I get nervous no matter what doctor i go see even if it's just a check up. I called the eye doctor and got in that day because I didn't want to make an appointment and worry for days that's how ridiculous I am. I was nervous because I see floaters now and never did before. I thought he was going to suspect a brain tumor as well. I thought maybe my retina was detaching. Guess what? Nothing was wrong except that I spent way too much money on new frames! Fishmanpa told me that it was good that I recognized that my fear was irrational and he was right. You seem to know this too so when you go in remind yourself of this. :)

17-02-14, 16:58
Thanks for the reply I've been doing great recently so have stayed off this site selfishly I suppose as sometimes it fuels my anxiety and I read and learn things I didn't know :( x

17-02-14, 18:00
I'm the same every time I go to the optician. It seems to be a HA thing.

17-02-14, 21:58
Yes I freak out, or rather, I usually faint. I'm OK up until the point where the optician gets really close with the equipment and then I start feeling "under close scrutiny". It's weird because it is not painful in any way and I have no explanation for why I don't like it. I've tried eating a big meal beforehand in case it's just hunger/nerves but that made no difference.

Last time I went I was referred to the hospital because of an abnormally high eye pressure. The tests at the hospital are worse because they use drops and prod you. Last time I went I ended up on the floor in the consultants room and he was fanning me with my own medical notes. The time before that I fainted in the waiting room.

Some good news though. Both times I got the attentions of some nice nurses, a cup of tea and some free biscuits on the NHS. And my eye pressure was normal because I apparently have thick corneas.

Still plucking up the courage to go for a routine eye check though as I need some new specs :)

I have a similar issue with dentists. It's not the pain, it's having someone right in my face with machinery and equipment and feeling under pressure/scrutiny.

18-02-14, 18:33
Well I went and guess what everything was normal , I was panicking so much I could see the pulse in my eyes , my pressure was a little high said I'm a little young for that (34) but did it again after test and was normal again x