View Full Version : Shooting pains stomach

17-02-14, 09:11

I'm worried at the moment about ovarian C. This is because I often look/feel bloated, and because I stupidly read about the symptoms of it.
The last few days I've had a shooting pain in my stomach to the right of my belly button. It's a sharp pain that comes and goes very quickly. It's not happening all the time, just every now and then but it's worrying because it's in the same area. One of the symptoms is abdominal pain.
Does anyone else get these pains? I've had a couple already this morning and getting more and more worried/convinced it's sinister.
Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks x

17-02-14, 09:22
There are a couple of places in my abdomen that I get the odd stabby/shooting pain and, for me at least, it's always wind or constipation - I figure it's somewhere in my intestines where there's a bend, or something, so stuff gets more 'stuck'! I think it's more likely to be digestive. If it gets worse and/or you start feeling really ill or vomiting, then it might be worth getting it checked out, though.

The 'often' that you mention with regard to your bloating is fair sign that it isn't OC, by the way - OC bloating is constant; bloating caused by your digestive system not quite working as smoothly as it should (which is really commonly caused by anxiety!) comes and goes.

17-02-14, 10:48
Het emlica, thanks.
Yeah, they're just fleeting pains, not a constant pain but it's worrTimmy nearly always being in the same spot!
The bloating thing I'm confused about. I can't work out whether I've got a bit of a fat tummy going on, or if I am actually bloated. Cos it always looks a bit bloated? But it might just be fat, how do you tell the difference? Does anyone know?
I'm going to the docs next week anyway but I am obsessing over it. Constant checking. My tummy nearly always feels uncomfortable, but I've always just thought it was normal for me. But now I'm worrying.x

17-02-14, 11:01
Hmm, I don't know. I feel like fat would be "squishy", but actually I have no idea if that's true! When I was struggling with my IBS I could definitely feel when I was 'bloated', but I don't actually know how to describe it to you. It was a different feeling to just have a fat tummy though! I think it's quite common to have one or two specific places in your digestive system where you feel discomfort if you have IBS or similar - for a lot of people it's under the left rib because there's a sharp bend there, but no reason why it couldn't be elsewhere for similar reasons I'd have thought. I have two - one quite similar to yours from what you've said, and the other also on the right but further up and round to my side a bit. Sort of twinges more than anything.

17-02-14, 11:27
Yeah, it's weird! I mean, I know when I'm really bloated, cos you feel like you've eaten too much. I don't feel like that. Just feels sort of, tight, would be the word. Or knotted.
It can be squished! So that's why I thought it might be weight gain. I'm not used to it maybe.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Thankyou x

17-02-14, 21:51
Ok..I'm still having the stabbing pain in the lower right side of my stomach. Happens every so often and it's quite painful. That accompanied by my bloat is seriously worrying me.
My partner reckons it's constipation, so sorry for the TMI. Does this sound feesable?
Really worried x

17-02-14, 21:58
Ok..I'm still having the stabbing pain in the lower right side of my stomach. Happens every so often and it's quite painful. That accompanied by my bloat is seriously worrying me.
My partner reckons it's constipation, so sorry for the TMI. Does this sound feesable?
Really worried x

So basically your partner is saying you're FOS? ;) This very well may be the case.... LF, c'mon now... you don't have ovarian cancer. You said yourself it's because you feel bloaty and read about it.

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 22:30
Hahaa! Oh yes, tells me all the time!
I knowww, it's so ridiculous because I know I just read about it and suddenly I'm worrying about it.
I just hope the pains aren't there tomorrow too.
I'll try to put it out of my head.
Thanks fishman x

20-02-14, 12:31
Sorry to post here again, I'm just worried about this still.
I'm still having stabbing pains to the right side of by belly button, and a few centimetres down. I don't know why it's happening! It's like a jabbing pain, lasts only a second.
This coincides with my ovarian C fear, because I feel bloated a lot of the time.
Does anyone get anything similar?
Thanks x

20-02-14, 13:26
It could be constipation if you've not been 'going' frequently/enough lately. NB - you can be constipated even if you're still having bowel movements - 'constipation' doesn't mean nothing's moving at all (necessarily), it just means things are moving more slowly and getting 'backed up'. And that can definitely cause pains in various bits of your gut.

By the way - even if what you're feeling IS on your ovary (and I kind of doubt it from what you've said but I'm not a doctor!), it does mean cancer. You can have ovarian cysts (benign) that can cause pain and other symptoms in that area as well.

20-02-14, 13:39

I'm worried at the moment about ovarian C. This is because I often look/feel bloated, and because I stupidly read about the symptoms of it.
The last few days I've had a shooting pain in my stomach to the right of my belly button. It's a sharp pain that comes and goes very quickly. It's not happening all the time, just every now and then but it's worrying because it's in the same area. One of the symptoms is abdominal pain.
Does anyone else get these pains? I've had a couple already this morning and getting more and more worried/convinced it's sinister.
Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks x

I wouldn't worry too much, I don't think you have Ovarian C, It's just interrupted digestive system - anxiety.

20-02-14, 13:40
Thanks emlica!
To be fair it could be constipation. I'm hoping it's too high up to be an ovary related pain. It's just doing my head in! Everytime it happens I think oh god, what's this pain. But then you don't know if you're focusing too much on the pain and the area. So other pains that are normal become insignificant, and that one pain becomes a danger in your head.
God knows. I would have thought ovary pain or problems would be more achey, like period type pain. Rather than erratic stabs?
I've tried not to Google too much! Xx

---------- Post added at 13:40 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

Thanks greggs. I'm seeing the doc on Wednesday but keep panicking when I feel it x

20-02-14, 13:52
I'll have mentioned this before (I forget who I've replied to!) but I had / have post-infective IBS: basically where your guts get screwed over in the slightly longer term after what would normally be a bog-standard (accidental pun) tummy bug. And for months after that I got twingey/pulling/shooting pains in my right side, occasionally sore enough to make me stop and wince for a second. They've gradually got less and less frequent but if I have excess gas (damn those onion rings) or constipation, or if my guts are a bit upset by something - including by my menstrual cycle, grrr - I'm stil aware of more discomfort in that bit of my guts than elsewhere. I still occasionally worry that it's gynaecological in some way but realistically, it's getting better as my guts slowly (oh so slowly!) sort themselves out, so my money is on it being digestive. It sounds sound a bit high to be your ovaries, but to be honest I have no idea if I'm right about that or not.

20-02-14, 14:19
Yeah, I'm thinking I've always had tummy discomfort, because I'm always anxious. I wonder if it can make your tummy feel permanently uncomfortable. Feels knotted often, and I have to sit down and really think about relaxing my stomach muscles and having a few nice deep breaths.
If I'd never read that bloody article I wouldn't be thinking any of this! But I'd probably still be worried about my heart :/. That's miraculously disappeared.
I wonder if I've got IBS XX

20-02-14, 14:25
Well, there's a fair bit of research linking IBS and anxiety. IBS manifests itself so differently in different people - it's a bit of a non-specific 'technically there's nothing actually *wrong* but something's not working right' diagnosis that covers all manner of ills. The 'knot in your stomach' feeling is pretty classic anxiety I think. Plus the fact that now you've found something else to worry about, your heart worries have disappeared, is also horribly familiar! I have a few weird anxiety symptoms, some of which are affected by my hormones as well, I think - but for instance, if I'm worried about, say, my sinuses, I'll forget about worrying about the vague internal shaky feeling that I get. But if I'm very worried about the shaky feeling I miraculously don't notice my sinuses. Repeat, but with about 6 different symptoms!!

20-02-14, 20:37
Ha yes, me too. Goes around in circles!
I just realised, the shooting pain is mainly when I sit down. Not whilst I'm actually seated,but when I first sit. How weird is that? Is that bad?! X

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

Anyone had anything similar or? It seems to be inline with my belly button on the right side. Hurts to push sometimes too (like on the toilet for example), sorry for tmi x