View Full Version : lightheaded feeling

17-02-14, 13:34
Hi please could anyone give me some advice I have been in a high state of anxiety about my stomach symptoms for a long time went for a scan last week all fine and felt that worry go about my stomach but now I have been left feeling lightheaded like walking on a boat bit swaying but I'm not bit of headache bit sick now and again foggy headed, anxious and eyes/vision feel a bit funny and I am really scared of these symptoms keep telling myself its anxiety but then a minute later doubt myself its only come on since my stomach anxiety went does it sound like anxiety or something more serious I am so sick just got over one worry and jumped to another.thanks toria x

17-02-14, 13:39
This is typical of a HA sufferer Toria. You have just been given the all clear regarding your stomach issues but you have transferred your anxiety. Dizziness and light headed feelings are all HA related, I know I've suffered for many years with this. You will be fine .

17-02-14, 14:13
Thanks so much keep telling myself its anxiety, I am having cbt for my health anxiety so really need to try not to let this get out of control. Thanks toria x

17-02-14, 14:44
Toria, these kind of symptoms can be from something like muscle tension in your face, head and neck. It can either spark migraine symptoms which is very like you describe, or the tension can affect nerves and muscles that will upset your vision and balance - neither of these are worrying problems, only a sign that you probably need to take care of yourself and reduce your anxiety levels.

Anxiety can create problems with muscle tension, so combating it with relaxation is a great idea. It can also spark jaw clenching or teeth grinding, especially at night, which can also contribute to how you're feeling.

The main point to remember here is that relaxation methods and dealing with your anxiety is key! :)

17-02-14, 20:16
Thanks for your reply I no everything you say is right and anxiety is making me feel worse its the lightheaded feeling thats making me panic the most and I'm getting moments when I really panic and feel its something serious really just need to calm down, I do feel like my shoulders are round my ears and so tense and my jaw and face feel full of tension. X

17-02-14, 20:20
Thanks so much keep telling myself its anxiety, I am having cbt for my health anxiety so really need to try not to let this get out of control. Thanks toria x
The more you fear your symptoms, the more you will create the anxious "light headed" feelings, you will never come to any harm - trust me :)

17-02-14, 20:28
I have experienced this feeling many times. I believe it is caused by anxiety itself.
Also, make sure you are eating and drinking enough.
I do not think it's indicative of a serious illness, though.
I think sometimes when we have severe anxiety, we breathe too rapidly or shallowly, and this can result in a chronic light-headed feeling.
Best of luck to you.

18-02-14, 09:53
I think that it has definitely been the case for me that I would jump from one health issue to another. I suffered from light headedness for months and worried myself sick about it. I finally had some tests done by the doctor and the very same day that I got the all clear I noticed another unrelated symptom and the lightheadedness disappeared and I started worrying about this new "problem". Unfortunately for me its the way I am. I just seem to find it necessary to worry about something whether its health related or not. Good luck with the cbt. You are on the right track as you are getting help with your problems. Keep positive and you will get this thing under control. x

18-02-14, 11:12
I too jump from illness to illness. You name it, in my head I've had it x

*Fallen Angel*
18-02-14, 11:31
I get this all the time. I am anemic too so never sure if it's the anxiety causing it or the lack of iron. I find it's not too bad if I don't get frightened by it.

18-02-14, 11:49
I have experienced this feeling many times. I believe it is caused by anxiety itself.
Also, make sure you are eating and drinking enough.
I do not think it's indicative of a serious illness, though.
I think sometimes when we have severe anxiety, we breathe too rapidly or shallowly, and this can result in a chronic light-headed feeling.
Best of luck to you.

Yes yes! definitely make sure your are hydrating yourself, chronic dehydration is a very common symptom and can produce some scary hallucinations

18-02-14, 15:43
Hi thanks for all your replys it really helps, I am still feeling like I'm on a boat/ swaying feeling today but maybe not as bad trying not to let the worry take over as I have been told everbody gets some sort of symptoms of some kind doesn't mean they are ill have to keep telling myself it's just anxiety, I also have had low ferritin levels with cause symptoms like anemia and maybe that's getting low again I am having a blood test on Friday. Toria x