View Full Version : Stomach cancer fear

17-02-14, 14:13
I have ibs & this past thurs 2/13, my stomach started acting up. I was getting pressure NOT PAIN under. & Btwn breasts going around to back . Very uncomfortable . I couldn't eat bec it would set off this feeling . Now as of Sat 2/15, it began easing up so I could drink decaf tea & dry cookies & yesterday I had turkey on dry toast & stomach still feels a bit sensitive, but not like thurs. & fri. I can now drink reg caffeinated tea but not ready for coffee yet. I'm not getting pressure or bloated feeling Btwn breasts or going round to back anymore . When I had that thurs & fri, I was living on water. & dry crackers, not even dry cookies. It is VERY GRADUALLY improving , since there is still some sensitivity, here come the HEALTH FEARS . I start fearing is this not gone bec it's some type of cancer of stomach or ovaries or some other organ. Again I'm catastrophizing , but I can't control it. & so the fears start up . I don't in my heart believe it's cancer but there's the horrible WHAT IFS. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.

17-02-14, 14:39
If you're 33 as your nickname suggests, chances to have stomach cancer are about 0.000000001% :)