View Full Version : Bright lights. & anxiety

17-02-14, 14:26
Now I Just posted about ibs & those fears but this separate post. Now bright light really sets off anxiety . I don't like sunlight, which is not to say i like total darkness , but I need pretty dim lighting, ESPECIALLY in my apt. I don't open curtains or blinds. I feel much more soothed or calm In dim light. When I'm. Outside , I can handle sunlight better, even tho even that stresses me. It REALLY gets to me when sunlight is coming in from outdoors. Somehow bright lights. & not just sunlight , also bright indoor lights set off stress which goes into anxiety , which can set off panic. Can anyone relate to this ? I'd like to know. Thank You !

17-02-14, 14:32
What way do you mean that bright lights affect you violet? Do they make you feel bad physically, upset your vision or something like that?

17-02-14, 16:49
I get this. For me I guess I just feel more comfortable when its darker, probably to do with people not been able to see me if I do start to panic. Also, I read some article before abt how fluorescent lighting can cause people to have panic attacks, which is true for me when I go into supermarkets etc. I dunno is it the flicking or the intense brightness or what but I always feel uncomfortable in supermarkets, i go dizzy and my eyes feel funny, but its not physical its panic disorder but feels weird. Not usre abt sunlight but I've never been a fan of the sun anyway.
Best of luck, nothing to worry about x

17-02-14, 17:25
I get the fluorescent light thing too, not always but now and then the bright strip light in supermarkets can make me feel light headed and spaced out. I notice it if I'm very tired or anxious.

17-02-14, 20:35
Honeylove, it isnt physical to start with. But I get very anxious & panic stricken, which leads to physical symptoms such as tension headache, gastrointestinal issues, mainly & then those symptoms fuel more panic.

17-02-14, 21:06
I detest bright lights. I see my floaters more I feel like it looks the the light is dancing. Especially when I have a headache. I agree stores like target make me feel uneasy.

18-02-14, 02:51
Fluorescent lighting really bothers me . I keep my apt pretty dim. & don't turn on lights or open curtains unless I have to. Of course when it gets dark I need some light for safety, I keep it dim. This controls to some extent anxiety.