View Full Version : when will the dilated pupils go away?

17-02-14, 14:44
I've not left my bed today apart from going to the toilet. I wake each morning with dilated pupils that stay that way for most of the day unless I take valium (which I don't like doing coz I worry about them).
My jaw hurts from clenching and my skin feels super sensitive its kind of like being high without the high mood!
I'm day 6 cit and wondering how long this will last? It just makes me want to isolate myself even more because of how weird I feel.
It says dilated pupils are one of the rare side effects...im sick of feeling like this :-(

17-02-14, 15:07
None of my side effects lasted mor than a week, the clenching I found really irritating, but passed. The high feeling lasted about 5 or so days

17-02-14, 15:47
Thanks, my next appointment is in 2 weeks so I guess I'll mention it then if its still happening. Maybe cit isn't agreeing with me. I can't go around looking off my head indefinitely. Hopefully it'll subside sooner rather than later!!

17-02-14, 17:21
Hi there,

I've not been on citalopram but I've had exactly the same side effects with other ADs. It does get better so just give it time and focus on getting better.

My best advice, force yourself out of bed, shower, eat something then go for a walk. It may sound hard and a little simplistic but it's the best thing you could do to start feeling better.

Good luck - a lot of us have been where you are and have come out the other side - your turn now to feel better now!


17-02-14, 17:37
Thanks pipkin, appetite has been another problem. I have non at all...I've not viewed this as a bad thing because id like to lose a little weight anyway. I suppose I should try to get something in me in the morning though. Since starting cit I don't eat all day...then try to eat at tea time with my family..which usually makes me feel sick!
I agree I do need to try get out more...just feel safe at home from panic attacks and people gorping at my huge pupils etc.

17-02-14, 22:08
I'm not sure dilated pupils should really be a problem unless you're finding everything's too bright? I do remember having some odd dilated pupils when being on Cit, it can be a little creepy looking into the mirror and seeing black orbs looking at you, but I am sure it's harmless? Like others have said, this should pass in time as you settle on the medication.

It's worth mentioning too that none of my friends and family ever mentioned it so I wonder whether it wasn't as noticeable as I thought. And this might sound silly, but your environment will affect your eyes - my bathroom mirror is in a slightly darker spot so my pupils would dilate there - have you tried looking in a mirror outside during the day, in sunshine? You might be pleasantly surprised.

18-02-14, 09:02
Hi ingenious, yeah everything is kind of intense and extra HD can't think how else to describe it. It tends to ware off come evening. I take my tablet just before I get in bed coz couldn't handle the sickness I got from it when I took it earlier once.
I'm going to try to get out today my partner has a week off work and I need to get a b'day present for my brother...im trying to phyc myself up to it! I managed a christening for a couple of hours on Sunday so im hopeful it should go ok. Thanks for all the advice everyone :-)