View Full Version : Waking with a jolt and breathless

17-02-14, 15:49
Hi guys,

Ive not been on here for a while as I have been feeling so well in myself.

Over the last few years Ive been fine. I do sometimes have an odd anxiety attack but it doesnt last long and I can usually calm myself down and deal with it.

Ive had a few problems the last few weeks and I dont know if this is what has caused me to feel the way I do today....I feel like a bundle of nerves, my breathing is really tight, I feel anxious and breathless and a bit sick in my stomach. The last time I felt like this I had depression.

Last night I just didnt sleep. Everytime I started to fall to sleep I kept feeling like my heart had stopped beating or I had actually stopped breathing then I would immediately wake up breathless and all foggy headed...this went on all night long and is still going on today as Im so anxious about it happening again tonight..

What is going on with me...am I heading in the wrong direction again with my nerves after being so well for so many years...

Please if anyone has ever had this problem could you give me some advice and maybe ill sleep better tonight..


Tasia x

17-02-14, 16:32
Have an epsom salt bath, and do some breathing techniques YouTube if need be. I'm like you my nerves are shot. And don't know how to settle them if at all! So tonight the fore mentioned will be executed.

I used to be the other way around, I'd wake up with a jolt of electricity, but would fall asleep ok.

17-02-14, 18:46
I have been like this for three weeks now and I am at the moment very scared as I am struggling to beleave Anxiety can do this x I have had all sorts of tests and everything okay xx the jolts are really scary and I just can't take a deep breath xx I am very scared at the moment and it is really upsetting for my family to see me so scared xx if any of you have any advice please share as I am at my wits end xx

17-02-14, 19:37
Have an epsom salt bath, and do some breathing techniques YouTube if need be. I'm like you my nerves are shot. And don't know how to settle them if at all! So tonight the fore mentioned will be executed.

I used to be the other way around, I'd wake up with a jolt of electricity, but would fall asleep ok.

I dont have any Epsom salts..Would a normal bath help atall?

Ive tried doing some ironing this afternoon and just for a while I forgot my breathing etc., and felt fine..now Ive thought about it, it has started again I feel like im not breathing properly and feel really anxious..omg I absolutely hate feeling like this and cant understand why after all this time of being well im feeling a bag of nerves again. It just goes to show that its never far away and can easily rear its ugly head again..

Thankyou so much for your suggestion about the bath and I will look on you tube for some help.

Tasia x

---------- Post added at 19:37 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

I have been like this for three weeks now and I am at the moment very scared as I am struggling to beleave Anxiety can do this x I have had all sorts of tests and everything okay xx the jolts are really scary and I just can't take a deep breath xx I am very scared at the moment and it is really upsetting for my family to see me so scared xx if any of you have any advice please share as I am at my wits end xx

So sorry you are feeling so bad too...I know alot of it is due to senzitisation and we have to try not to worry as this makes it worse and try to de-sensitize yourself about how you are feeling, but that is much easier said than done as look at me, I know what you have to do, but its not working, I think I may have to get out my Claire Weekes book again, I put that away years ago didnt think I would be going back down this road again.

Also going to look at you tube and try a bath later...

Hope you can feel better soon..Ive been where you are believe me and it can get better...I know im not feeling good today but its been a long long time since Ive felt this way..

Take care and wish you well x

17-02-14, 21:19
Thank you so much Hun xx may I ask did you really feel like you couldn't breathe I mean every day xx I am sorry for asking as you have been so kind but everything else I can deal with but I really feel like the life is being taken out of me. It felt so good to hear from someone who understood.

17-02-14, 21:36
Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate good fir muscles and nerves. I must say it's helped my muscle tension, and twitching. But waiting for nerves to catch up.

When you say nerves, are you talking physical nerve sensation, or gut nerves as in, about to speak in front of thousands??

19-02-14, 00:41
Thank you so much Hun xx may I ask did you really feel like you couldn't breathe I mean every day xx I am sorry for asking as you have been so kind but everything else I can deal with but I really feel like the life is being taken out of me. It felt so good to hear from someone who understood.

Hi again,
Yes I did, everyday I felt like I couldnt breathe, my stomach would feel nervous and sick all day long and all night long. I ended up seeing a psychiatric nurse. It was her that told me to get Claire Weekes book Self help for Nerves I found it absolutely amazing, as if this lady was sitting next to me telling me why I felt like that. Please believe you will get better.
I remember going out with my husband and watching the people inthe street and thinking why cant I be like them just normal..
It will happen and you will reclaim your life back. Please buy this book you can get it on Amazon. I know it will help you. You are not going mad or going to die its the nervous system being over sensitized thats all and you have to find a way to stop yourself from thinking about how you are feeling (If you know what I mean). Today I feel better I slept well last night. I had a warm bath and went to bed and read a book I didnt wake up once and today im back to normal so it must have been a blip for me. Ive had a few problems since the beginning of this year and the last few days things have got me down which obviously resulted in me having this attack. Im over it now. I hope you have support..My husband is useless and I dont like to bother my teenagers. I can usually pull myself out of it by myself, but it was a really bad attack of nerves I had that caused me to come on here again.
Im here if you need me...Look after yourself..by the way I also went on you tube and looked up some breathing excercises they deffinately worked go on and have a look yourself. The more you think about your breathing the worse you will feel. Take deep breathes and think nice thoughts. Please go and look up some on you tube. Try not to worry you will get better I promise xx

---------- Post added at 00:41 ---------- Previous post was at 00:36 ----------

Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate good fir muscles and nerves. I must say it's helped my muscle tension, and twitching. But waiting for nerves to catch up.

When you say nerves, are you talking physical nerve sensation, or gut nerves as in, about to speak in front of thousands??

Ahh ok, Thankyou. I will buy some..

Yes my nerves are gut nerves...I went on you tube too Thankyou for that.
My breathing was much better after I did the excersizes I feel much better today and back to normal It must have been a blip I hope so.
As humans we can be vulnerable and stress can always tips us over. Ive had alot of stress this last month and I think maybe that is why I was feeling really bad.

Thanks for your help again. Hope you feel better soon too x